Topics Covered
- Loft
- Revolve
- Sweep
- Thicken and Shell
- 3D array
- Chamfer and Fillet
- Solidedit and Faceediting
- Section
- Blend and Extend
- Exporting to Sketchup / Revit
Class Excercises
Homework for Week 8
Model any 4 objects accurately
Submission procedure (Important!!)
Please follow the following steps.
- Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-2.dwg
- Login to Dropbox ( – modelspace)
- Go to Dropbox>Submissions
- Right click on folder A0000000 and copy to Dropbox>Submissions
- Rename the folder with your Matricula
- Inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>Second Partial> upload your .dwg file