Concepts covered for the week are as follows.
- Layout basics
- Revise your dimension styles (annotative styles)
- Working with Titleblocks and printing from Autocad 1, 2.
- Starting a new drawing from scratch and understanding drawing standards
- Workflow for making a floor plan
Classwork test – 6 marks for the final grade
Do the objective type test here . – 3 marks
Download the files given here. Make changes to the drawing file based on the pdf file. – 3 marks
The PDF has some items marked red, that are wrongly presented. Please make changes in the drawing and place them on the layouts. Drawing is on A3. Units are in mm
Place the given drawings on 2 viewports paying attention to
- change units to mm.
- Layout with right page settings
- Annotative dimensions and texts
- Titleblock
- Viewports
- Placed at right scales
Homework for CAD LEVEL 4 – Drawing a Presentation floor plan in Autocad
Given above is a hand drawn sketch by Ptkizer prize winning architect Glenn Murcutt. Your work in his office and are requested by a Domus, a publishing agency to make a presentation drawing of this house. When asked about presentation requirements, Domus provides you with a sample plan.. such as this.
You are to develop one of the floor plans with your own style. The above style is only for reference, you can develop a plan rendering style of your own.
Do note the following as requirements in your plan.
- Rooms and room names
- Furniture
- Poche – walls and appropriate renders for materials and textures.
- Sale and Northpoint
Further instructions
- Each plan is to fit within 200mm x 250mm printable area.
- To help you, there are resources available here. (blocks)
- You can use the template file given here as a start.
- The motive of the submission is to understand how to make a professional autocad drawing. You are to integrate all the above topics above into making your drawing. Quality of drawing is more important than the quantity of information presented.
- You are suggested to take a print of your drawing and further edit your lineweights and linetypes before submitting. A greyscale / monochrome / colored drawing is allowed.
- Total Marks towards final = 4 Marks for quality of cad file + 2 marks for quality of print= 6 Marks
- Rubrick:
- For every following mistake made 0.25 marks shall be deducted for the quality of the cad file
- No template
- Drawings not placed on viewports
- Complete lack of Dimension styles / text-styles
- Complete lack of Linetypes
- Complete lack of Layers
- Lack of a titleblock
- For every following mistake made 0.25 marks shall be deducted for the quality of the print
- Bad lineweights
- Bad linetypes
- Non uniformity in drawing quality
- Lack of scale and northpoint
- For every following mistake made 0.25 marks shall be deducted for the quality of the cad file
Submission procedure (Important!!)
Please follow the following steps.
- Save your single drawing – CAD file as “Your team name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Earthman.dwg
- Your team members names shall be included on your common title-block.
- Login to Dropbox ( – modelspace)
- Upload your file inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>First Partial> upload your .dwg file
- Print your two landscaped plans on a appropriate titleblock and submit them in class.
- Delays will result in 20% loss per week.