Week 13 – Rem Koolhaas, newyork 5 + Deconstructivism + New Directions

 Lecture slides

Week 13 – Nov 9 – Rem Koolhaas, newyork 5 + Deconstructivism + New Directions
Lecture slides are based on the course textbook by Frampton, K. (1992). Modern architecture: A critical history (3rd ed.). London: Thames and Hudson. (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Required Readings

  1. Julio García CoIl y Carlos H. ViIlalobos, La Arquitectura Autoproductica
  2. Jose Antonio Aldrete Haas, Search for roots in mexican modernsism.
Write your summary / opinion here (due Nov 20th)

Optional Readings

These readings are optional and only to increase your grade if  your total grade falls below 80% excluding these readings, these will be considered.

Read any 2 of the following readings (4 extra marks)

Write your summary / opinión in 150 words each as an email to varun.thautam@gmail.com. Mention your Matricula in the subject of the email.

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