Phase 3 (10 Marks)

  1. You are to read your coursebooklet for phase 3 and then send your three phrases here (5 marks, 1/11/2018 8:30 am).
  2. Then sign up for thursday meeting with your instructor here. (5 marks based on your artwork idea and thought process)

Tatiana Bilbao – Funeraria Tangassi

Further reading:


Architecture is a language of communication between the society and the individual.
Connecting with space and time, – is a dialogue. Architecture is the language. (work in progress)
Architecture uses space and time guide the communication between the individual and his essence his existence or his family, his world, his… (work in progress)
Architecture must be designed for society not for an individual. Also society creates architecture, not an individual. (work in progress)
Culture of a society as a determinant for it’s architecture.
The cultural landscape gives meaning to a place

Antonio Gaudi – Park Güell

Look up Dali and his surrealism

The line is of man, the curve is of god
The straight line is the line of duty, while the curve is the path of beauty. – Fathy
a line is rational, a curve is spiritual
line is generated in the mind, the curve in the heart.
“Painting, through color, sculpture and form represent feelings…things that one fails to see in existing organisms. And touches the imagination of the mind, to see beyond what is usually seen.
Figures, trees, fruits express their interiority through their exteriority. what you see on the outside is an expression of what is inside??
Therefore, it has to be governed by a law in harmony with those of nature. The architects who do not abide by this principle do odd jobs instead of a work of art.”
Everything comes out of the great book of nature. Is this about knowledge? is it about feelings? ekistics?
Can a cultural landcape have its orrigins in one mans heart?
Can a cultural landcape be created afresh?
Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, the cultural landscape is the result”

Toyo Ito – Tama Art museum

boundaries vanish through the erosion of the solid
“There will be the need for houses with no clear boundaries from inside to outside and from room to room,” Ito said. “What can we offer then?” – ito
Architecture is simply addition and subtraction
“From now on, human connections will be important. For example, the engawa allows for human connection with its openness.” Ito
the dialogue between outdoors and indoors is created using tectonics/symbolism/form/ or visual framing -the door /window is opening up to another universe ( thisuniverse is not real, its inthe heats of the user)
 Heaviness is not created by form
message / phrase

Felix Candela- Oceanographic

whats the purpose–?

structural art-

The form simplifys design – atmosphere/eperience/imaginaion and helps/defines/guide the function
the skeleton/ form can find / can be the the balance between purpose and randomness.. purposelessness.. the randomness / something done without intention
structural simplicity can motivate aesthetics

Sou Fujimoto – musashino library


Why should a column soley work as a column, why should a bookshelf be just a bookshelf? why should a stair just be for climbing up? A friend is more than a a freind, he/she is a complete being.
A worker is not just someone who get the job done, he/she is much morethan that.
A building is not just a machine /tool that does one job, it is much more than that.
A column is more than a column
Architecture is re-generated alongside the fundamentals of human endeavors. need rephrasing..
Architecture is a cycle, or several layers
everything is a cycle
Everything can be architecture only when it can be felt
everything is art
art is everything
art exists only when it can be felt
Architecture is necessary, but how is it possible?
how come architecture is so necessary?

Paul Rudoph – Yale Art and Architecture

There is and intimate relationship between space and time. We live in an overwhelming period of time, therefore spaces should express that same thing.
Everything is changing (time is a driving direction), much more today than before. The problems are global, not local. As timechanges, space follows.
Expressing the changing landscape of education for a society in change.
Architecture is a complex connection of already complex mental processes.
Architecture is a resultant of a multitde of forces that the architect can see. As sight (knowledge) is limited, a better approach is to design not from the mind.
Because of the geometry of the volumes the building becomes an outdoor museum and a laberinth in the inside.
We walk into the future, but we dont know the direction, we cant understand the older language, nor do we know what we will speak in the future.
Every generation values a new perspetctive
Architecture becomes a labyrynth, when the layering of time is faster than the understanding of it.


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