Week 6: Developing schematics
Schematic design – Mode of working Classroom is only for discussions with the teacher. You are expected to come ready[...]
Schematic design – Mode of working Classroom is only for discussions with the teacher. You are expected to come ready[...]
Project C Feasibility studies Working with groups of two, you are to evaluate the economic feasibility of three design directions.[...]
What is required of a schematic design ? See the AIA Document: http://www.aia.org/aiaucmp/groups/secure/documents/pdf/aiap026834.pdf Deadline for 20/09/2016 – Discussion with your instructor.[...]
Project B – Writing a Design Statement Client Breif Guide for writing design statements Develop and submit a three page (A4[...]
Examples of Programs P-Patch – Seattle – http://www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/programs-and-services/p-patch-community-gardening/about-the-p-patch-program Growing Power – Milwaukee – http://www.growingpower.org/about/leadership/will-allen/ Making the Edible landscape – Montreal – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwv6yRsE3d0iNUFQMDJfeXctVVE/view?usp=sharing Benefits[...]
The main design philosophy can be summarized with the following points Use of local materials, techniques, resources and local skills.[...]
Resources Site analysis checklist Presentation topics Submission Procedure You will have to make a presentation (.pdf) format to the class[...]
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.[...]
Please now answer the test based on your drawing of test 1 Here is a link to the google forms.[...]
Writing a Project Brief About design/idea briefs The goal of the design brief is to make a pitch for an idea,[...]