Week 14: Advanced Modelling (10 marks)
Download the following file Score as much as you can in 90 minutes. You will be graded on Attention to[...]
Download the following file Score as much as you can in 90 minutes. You will be graded on Attention to[...]
Simple drawing 3pt rectangle Makes a rectangle based on three points S4U make face Makes face based on selection of[...]
En un pequeño pueblo llamado El Botho Cardonal, Hidalgo, vive un artesano llamado Jaime que todavía hace su cal con[...]
the objective of this week is to learn modelling basic building elements while modelling Barcelona pavillion Download this file CAD[...]
You are to read your coursebooklet for phase 3 and then send your three phrases here (5 marks, 1/11/2018 8:30 am).[...]
Version 1: Abril 8 -14, 2017, Casa Naomin Guanajuato Details https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwv6yRsE3d0iVWUzb1dlQVU3am8 Facebook event: https://web.facebook.com/events/251206918644285/?active_tab=discussion “Quiero ser como los animales, el pájaro[...]
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.[...]
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.[...]
Define the following for Design Development You will bring this for review in class on 18/11/2016 . The final for[...]