PEELI PAADAV: Orientation, study and workshop on Vernacular Architecture. Mud-pole structures, grass roof, traditional plastering , surface art and embellishments, traditional[...]
PEELI PAADAV: Orientation, study and workshop on Vernacular Architecture. Mud-pole structures, grass roof, traditional plastering , surface art and embellishments, traditional[...]
Total Expenses: 2790 USD For TEC 2290 USD For international students Additional expenses: Food[...]
Full list of activities at each place below is coming up soon! New Delhi Peeli Paadav New Delhi Agra[...]
> WHEN? June 1, 2016 – July 31, 2016 > WHERE? An ambitious 60 day train and bus journey in[...]
Construcción de diversas bóvedas y cúpulas con michoacanas, cuñas, adobes, tabiques, morteros con lodo y limo. Abril 25 – Mayo 30,[...]
Taller de bio construccion (Bahareque y botellas) 2 y 3 de Abril, Amealco de Bonfil, Queretaro. TEMARIO Charla descriptiva de[...]
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Construccion de Temazcal 08 al 10 de Abril Oaxaca TEMARIO (90% practico, 10% teoría): -Introducción a la Bio-Construcción -Diseño de[...]
Del 23-24 de Abril Amealco de Bonfil, Queretaro. Costo $1200 estudiantes $1600 publico en general Incluye: Material didactico Certificado Alimentos[...]