New Delhi

New Delhi ABOUT:  Coming soon…   PROFESSOR: Neal Karthick and Kunal Gaidhankar   FACILITATOR: ACTIVITY: Visiting old delhi[...]

Peeli Padaav

Peeli Padaav   ABOUT: Peeli Padaav is a small self-sustaining community of  270 households engaged in agriculture and dairying.  The[...]

Smriti Saraswat

Smriti Saraswat Architect / Interior Designer Smriti is trained as an Architect  and Interior-Designer. She  specializes in Craft and Technology (with[...]

Satprem Maïni

Satprem Maïni Architect Satprem Maïni, French national born in Bône, Algeria, is the director, executive and soul of the Auroville[...]

Riyaz Tayyibji

Riyaz Tayyibji Architect Riyaz Tayyibji graduated from the school of architecture, Cept, a’bad. Prior to setting up anthill design he worked in Mumbai[...]

Piyush Manush

Piyush Manush Farmer/Activist/Green Entrepreneur Born & bought up in Salem – Tamilnadu, the place has had a great influence on[...]

Neal Kartik

Neal Kartik Photographer Recipient of the prestigious Sony World Photography Award Cannes, Neal Kartik is a travel and documentary photographer.[...]


Kunal Architect Contact No. (91) 9449552417  skype: heavenhack Kunal graduated in 2012 from the School of Planning and Architecture,[...]

Brinda Parth Shah

Brinda Parth Shah Architect Dip. Arch. CEPT University, India; MA in Vernacular Architecture-OBU, Oxford, UK. Contact No. (91) 0942904486 Email:[...]