Week 3: Secondary research methods

Secondary research methods (Deadlines: 19th Feb, 26th Feb,  28th Feb)

Here we shall explore a collaborative research method towards our first objective.

You are to work individually, depending on your specific interests in our main objective. 

Here are the rules.

  1. You shall start using the document, sign in and strictly work on the space allotted to you. Do not worry about formatting as multiple editors will be working at the same time. The moderator (varun) will intervene if a clash exists.
  2. You are allowed to use and cite any secondary research material: research papers, conferences, articles, music, documents, movies, books, magazines, stories, historic documents.. etc. 
  3. You are not to edit others words (all edits are saved in google docs). However you can comment or suggest edits.
  4. You are to read/ browse the research material of each of your colleagues and to comment on each.

Your grading breakup

Grading – 25% of the terms grade is dependent on the results of this objective.

  1. 10% on the appropriateness of the citations and your own comments.
  2. 10% on the commentaries on material cited by others.
  3. 5% on the quality of the research questions asked individually

We shall use this document for collaborative research


Objectives of the semester



Santiago Mezquititlan, Amealco, is a small town of 6 barrios where the circle of life seems intact in certain pockets.

The objective of this semester will be in the direction of

“Traditional methods  of food storage, Amealco, Queretaro”

The Phases of this Semester

Part 1: Secondary Research (week 3-4)

Part 2: Primary Research (week 5-9)

Part 3: Design and Implementation of leanings (week 10-12)

The Outcomes of this semester

Outcome 1: A document based on seconday research (25% of the grade)

Outcome 2: A research Paper based on primary research (50% of the grade)

Outcome 3: Design and implementation of a construction and the collaborative documentation of it (25% of the grade)


  1. Work individually for objective 1. You are to keep research directions based on your interest and experience. Keep it realistic yet sufficiently ambitious. A research is never an end, there is always a continuity. Raise questions, answer a question and leave further questions unanswered.
  2. You are to approach your research subjects, for outcome 2, with humiliy and considerable amount of sensitivity. The connection as ethnographers we have with this indigenous community is extremely valuable. All actions will be thoughful and shall not jeopardize the human connection.
  3. You are to approach outcome 3 with sufficient passion and time, you will have to self organize to participate actively in the construction process.

Primary contacts

Your primary contact of Santiago mezquititlan, shall be through previous work use them to gain access to the community.

It is highly recommended that you participate in the workshops and tours they organize to understand the previous expereince with the community. https://www.facebook.com/ExperienciaLabor/


Wishing you a very successful learning experience with love,

Varun Thautam

+52 442 461 9551




Image; Varun thautam, http://www.varunthautam.com/index.php/2017/03/25/houses-of-the-indegenous-people-san-miguel-tlaxcaltepec-amealco/








Week 2: Bioconstruction, natural building


The main design philosophy can be summarized with the following points

  1. Use of local materials, techniques, resources and local skills.
  2. Integrating your building with the land, site and surroundings.
  3. Thinking about building processes as a cycle and not a straight line.
  4. Design considering the fact that everything is connected to everything else.


  1. Presentation on the above design principles – Varun Thautam
  2. Images of current research on Bovedas – Varun Thautam
  3. Projects and works – Varun Thautam

Readings suggested

  1. Ianto Evans – Natural building Chapter 1

Building with mud workshops – in Chattisgarh

Bastiar-poster-2Location: Livelihood College, Adawal

Hot to get there: Take a train to Raipur and then a bus/ taxi to Adawal

Date: 5th to 9th January 2018

Content: Vaults and Domes, Natural plasters

We shall be building a brick dome with mud mortar, on a 3m x 3m room in 2 days. The vault will be built on 4 corner squinches.

  • Design and detailing of vaults and domes
  • Mud and lime based traditional mortars
  • Construction of a dome without guides or tools
  • Finishing a dome
  • Traditional lime based waterproofing of a dome

Lets work with local artisans and masons to exchange valuable skills of natural building. Local brickmakers and the PWD department comes together to organize this exciting workshop!

Only pay for your food and stay. Open to all, even children above age 14 can participate!


Ritesh Agarwal, IAS

0778 222 2428

Email: zp-bastar.cg@gov.in

Sketchup Plugins

Simple drawing

  1. 3pt rectangle Makes a rectangle based on three points
  2. S4U make face Makes face based on selection of lines / curves

Selection Tools

  1. Selection Toys Helps in filtering selections (edges/points/ faces)

Copying / Arraying / Mirroring

  1. Memory Copy Makes repetitive processes of coping, rotating and scaling easier
  2. SmustardPathcopy Makes copys of elements along a path – Street lights / trees for example
  3. JHS Power Bar Several tools for extrusion, alignment, Autocad (path extrusion)
  4. Component stringer Making beads / arranging elements along a path
  5. Mirror Easy mirroring (like in autocad based on planes or three points)
  6. LSS Matrix Easy arraying including rotating / scaling functions

Making Editing / Joining Curves

  1. Weld Joining several curves/ lines (like join command in Autocad)
  2. Bezier spline (Makes several handmade curves / modifies exisitng object corners to curves)
  3. Curve Maker (several mathematical / rational curves)

Extrusion / Lofting

  1. Joint Push pull Allows all types of extrusions
  2. CLF Shape Bender Bends a shape along a curve – curved corner windows, ramps etc
  3. JHS Power Bar Allows path extrusion
  4. Curviloft Autocad Loft command
  5. Soap Skin & Bubble Makes force based mofifications to surfaces (Zaha style)
  6. Sketchyffd Powerful surface modifications based on grid development

Offset & Scale

  1. Multiple Offsets Creates offsets
  2. FredoScale Scales in all methods / axes

Aligning / dropping

  1. DropGC Drops elements by gravity to encounter and stop at a surface/topography
  2. JHS – Power bar – Aligns

Architectural Tools

  1. Architect Tools – Several powerful tools put into onw
  2. 1001 Bit Freeware – Doors, windows, stairs, walls, floors all made easy
  3. SteelSketch – Strucural design made easy
  4. RSFence – Fences made easy
  5. SmustardParking – Parking lots made easy

Terrain modification

  1. Terrain skirt


Taller Voluntario de Bóvedas – Escuela Telebachillerato comunitario, El botho, El botho Cardonal, Hidalgo – 4 & 5 Nov, 2017


En un pequeño pueblo llamado El Botho Cardonal, Hidalgo, vive un artesano llamado Jaime que todavía hace su cal con el método tradicional. Este 4 y 5 de Nov, aprenderemos de su proceso además de rehabilitar el techo de la escuela Telebachillerato comunitario, El botho (construction de una bóveda).


Todo inicio por mi investigación sobre los bovederos en México. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer Don Jaime quien quiere compartir su conocimiento ancestral con nosotros. Este fin de semana nos hablará sobre  su horno de capacidad de una tonelada, en el cual introduce la piedra caliza formando una cúpula, para tener como resultado una cal de gran calidad.

Para complementar su aportación voy a dar un taller de construcción de bóvedas con tierra para los estudiantes de la escuela el Botho y los voluntarios que quieran participar en esta experiencia, el taller cubrirá toda la teoría de diseño y construcción de una pequeña bóveda, preparación de morteros de tierra y construcción de la misma. Como práctica rehabilitaremos un salón de clases de 2 m2 con techo de bóveda pegado con tierra.

Les invito a compartir este intercambio de conocimiento y experiencias con nosotros este fin de semana. Como parte del apoyo se requiere de una contribución de $500.00 por voluntario, con lo cual se cubrirá el material para la práctica y 2 almuerzos.

La cita es el 4 de noviembre a las 9:00 a.m. en la Escuela Telebachillerato Comunitario, El Botho, El Botho Cardonal, Hidalgo. Don Jaime y yo esperamos contar con su participación en este evento, con muchas aportaciones y con mucho amor.

Este fin de semana será  documentando tomando como base el proceso y las diferentes anécdotas que compartamos, y lo podrán consultar en: www.varunthautam.com. Para participar o contribuir de cualquier forma, puede contactarme más sobre este evento por teléfono. 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. antes del viernes.


Varun Thautam

+52 442 461 9551

















Week 11: Introduction to modelling

the objective of this week is to learn modelling basic building elements while modelling Barcelona pavillion

Download this file

  1. CAD Imports :  http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MtqJh-DUG30&feature=user
  2. CAD Creating Walls : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsnT8KN8xIM
  3. CAD Doors & Windows : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXbyrZnqxOM
  4. ROOFS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6WxE6oO3JU

Homework in 2 weeks, we shall model the Barcelona pavillion.