Piyush Manush

Piyush Manush

Piyush Manush

Farmer/Activist/Green Entrepreneur

Born & bought up in Salem – Tamilnadu, the place has had a great influence on him, surrounded on all sides by Hills, Numerous Lakes & a River Thirumanimuthar led him to planting trees & digging up trenches on hills around Salem. Started in 1997 , Project Harithima took root. Planted thousands of trees for the next few years , seized many lorries transporting cattle & in the meantime took to developing green businesses for a living. 

Piyush is an avid nature lover with a purpose in his life and he leaves no stone unturned to ensure that the green lush of nature is preserved and protected from irresponsible manufacturers taking resort to production processes that harm and pollute the environment. Deriving his iota of inspiration from Nityannand Jayraman, an enthusiastic activist, Piyush channelizes his efforts to make Salem, proclaimed as toxic hotspot by Tamil Nadu government, a better place to live. With gradual adoption of environment friendly production processes and introduction of organic farming and nurseries, the contours of the area have changed significantly. Besides establishing camp sites for children, Piyush has started giving shape to his dream project, the Coop forest.

Neal Kartik

Neal Kartik

Neal Kartik


Recipient of the prestigious Sony World Photography Award Cannes, Neal Kartik is a travel and documentary photographer. His work has been showcased at national and international forums. He has also worked with BBC World Wide (India), UNICEF and TV Dutch4.

His work has been showcased at exhibitions like Palais des Festival; Ethnography International festival, Toxics Links Delhi. His educational qualification includes Post Graduate Diploma in Photography from AJKMCRC – Jamia Milia Islamia, India.

Currently he is learning and working in the field of alternate education. He is a founder member of Tinai Collective, an organization which believes that teaching and learning should be open, free and unprejudiced.

Some of the awards he has received for his work are:

Best Cinematography: –Red Deer International Film Festival Canada (Mumbai Half Marathon)

Best Film – 10th Mumbai International Film Festival India 2nd Prize (Mumbai Half Marathon)

Special Jury Mention – Jeevika South Asia livelihood Film Festival Asia(Dawn to Dusk and Further)

Best Animation Film – Misc-En-Scene International Film Festival India (Mumbai Half Marathon)






Contact No. (91) 9449552417 

skype: heavenhack

Kunal graduated in 2012 from the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, and has worked with some notable firms in Bangalore.

Having obtained experience from corporate practices, he found his calling in doing volunteer work for social causes. He has filmed documentaries for the Singapore-based NGO Billionbricks, with which he is currently associated. He also travelled to earthquake affected villages in Nepal as a humanitarian worker with relief materials and shelters.

Presently Kunal is enrolled as a masters candidate in Sustainable Architecture and Planning at HafenCity University Hamburg. When not traveling for assignments, Kunal enjoys the company of his 5 year-old Labrador Smooky.


Brinda Parth Shah

Brinda Parth Shah


Dip. Arch. CEPT University, India; MA in Vernacular Architecture-OBU, Oxford, UK.

Contact No. (91) 0942904486

Email: brindaparthshah@yahoo.com

Brinda  graduated in 1998 from the School of Architecture, CEPT, Ahmedabad, India and has a MA in International Studies in Vernacular Architecture.  She has a Project Exhibited under alternative building practises at NGMA – Mumbai for the “ State of Architecture” exhibition 2016.

Brinda has been awarded with many recognition like the Stone Architecture Award, AISAA for the Project Country Retreat, Rajsamdhiyala, Rajkot, 2016 or the “Architecture + Design and Cera Awards 2014”- With a Special Mention for the category The young Enthused Architect Award or the Project: Country Retreat, Village Rajsamadhiyala,
Dist,Rajkot as with many others.
Associate professor at the School of Architecture, Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture, Rajkot, India since 2005 ongoing. Core Academic Involvement : Design Studio 1 and 2 ( Foundation Year), History of Architecture, Related study program on Vernacular Architecture – Village study. Guest Lecturer at Summer workshop, CEPT, 2013. Research and Design thesis guide for undergraduate students at School of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, and at Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture, Rajkot, India.
Brinda is also recognized for giving different conferences and for her research work.



Orientation, study and workshop on Vernacular Architecture. Mud-pole structures, grass roof, traditional plastering , surface art and embellishments, traditional fenestrations.


 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.





Visiting old Delhi houses. Explore history, economy, culture, design with a broad coverage of architecture.




Day field Sketching trip of Mughal Heritage Architecture, Evolution of culture and architectural practices of medieval India.




Day field Sketching trip of Mughal Heritage Architecture, Evolution of culture and architectural practices of medieval India.




Field Sketching trip of Rajputana Heritage Architecture, evolution of culture and architectural practices of medieval India. Study of Rainwater and Sustainable Urban Water Management Practices




Feild Sketching trip of Rajputana Heritage Architecture, Evolution of culture and architectural practices of medival India. Study of Rainwater and Sustainable Urban Water Management Practices





     Total Expenses: 

2790 USD For TEC

2290 USD For international students


     Additional expenses:

Food  and International Airfare






Full list of activities at each place below is coming up soon!


India map with route-01

  • New Delhi
  • Peeli Paadav
  • New Delhi
  • Agra
  • Fathehpur Sihkri
  • Ranakpur
  • Jaipur
  • Jodhpur
  • Udaipur
  • Mehsana
  • Ahmedabad
  • Rajkot
  • Mumbai
  • Hampi
  • Salem
  • Cuddalore
  • Auroville
  • Tiruvannamalai
  • Bangalore





About Sparsh


June 1, 2016 – July 31, 2016


An ambitious 60 day train and bus journey in India. We shall start at Delhi and drive down south along 15 different destinations or more.

> WHY?

The Traditional architecture of India is deep and diverse. It is a response to thousands of years of evolution but still in tune with the local cycles of nature and life. The knowledge and wisdom of these communities is trapped in vestiges of vernacular architecture or in patterns of daily life. We do not comprehend this rich heritage through schools or books, not through words or language, but through the touch of the hand. The best way to learn architecture is through working hands. So this journey´s main purpose is to make a honest attempt to touch the lives of people. That is why Sparsh is the Sanskrit word for touch.


2790 USD




Arq.Varun Thautam (52) 442 461 9551 vathautam@itesm.mx

Dr. Mtro. AEM. Arq. Carlos Cobreros Rodríguez  (52) 442 279 9903


Bahareque y botellas, Abril 2-3, Amealco


Taller de bio construccion (Bahareque y botellas)

2 y 3 de Abril, Amealco de Bonfil, Queretaro.


Charla descriptiva de la técnica
Estructura: postes, marcos y entramado
Elaboración de mezcla y proporciones
Enjarre de muros
Colocación de botellas
Elaboración de mural de alto relieve

Sesion de Temazcal
Lugar para acampar

$900 antes del 15 de Marzo

A quién esta dirigido?
Este taller será de gran utilidad a cualquiera que este interesado en la construcción natural, sea profesional o no.

¿Que llevar?
Bloqueador solar
Productos bio degradables de aseo personal
Ropa cómoda Y ligera de trabajo (que se pueda manchar)
Botas de trabajo y shorts
Lo necesario para acampar
termo o bote para tomar agua
Plato, cuchara y cubiertos.

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Llenando el siguiente formulario


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