AR 1017 : CAD LEVEL 2 – Intermediate AutoCAD

Concepts covered for the week are as follows. You can click the topic to see a 15 minute video for instructions.

  1. Drawing commands: Arc, Ellipse, Spline.
  2. Drawing commands: Rectangle and Polygon
  3. Drawing and modifying: Polyline, Explode and Join
  4. Drawing commands: XL and Ray
  5. Modifying commands: Move, Copy, Mirror
  6. Modifying commands: Array, Rotate, Stretch
  7. Modifying commands: Offset, Trim and Extend
  8. Chamfer and fillet
  9. Boundary
  10. Hatching Geometry: 1,2,3


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image 4

Homework for CAD LEVEL 2 – Intermediate AutoCAD

You are expected to draft all the diagrams shown in the above exercise on AutoCAD.

  • Deadline for submission: Before the first class of week 3.
  • Total Marks towards final = 3 Marks
  • Rubrick: For every following mistake made 0.125 marks shall be deducted.
    • Inaccurate distance or angle
    • Inaccurate intersection

Class test – 30 minute time problem 1

Class test – 30 minute time problem 2

Submission procedure (Important!!)

Please follow the following steps.

  1. Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-2.dwg
  2. Login to Dropbox ( – modelspace)
  3. Go to Dropbox>Submissions
  4. Right click on folder A0000000 and copy to Dropbox>Submissions
  5. Rename the folder with your Matricula
  6. Inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>First Partial> upload your .dwg file

AR 1017 : CAD LEVEL 1 – Getting Started with AutoCAD – Part 1

Concepts covered for the week are as follows. You can click the topic to see a 15 minute video for instructions.

  1. Interface and line commands:
  2. Cartesian co-ordiantes, User coordinate system and the cursor:
  3. Erasing Objects, Erasing using a Window and a Crossing Window.
  4. Drawing Lines with Polar Tracking, Absolute coordinates, Relative coordinates, Relative Polar coordinates, Dynamic Input.
  5. Working with command line options and the rectangle command.
  6. Drawing circles using the various methods that AutoCAD provides
  7. Viewing your drawing. Zoom realtime, pan, zoom extents, etc
  8. Snap to: Endpoint, Midpoint, Intersection, Perpendicular, Ortho.
  9. Center, Quadrant, Tangent, Osnap Settings, None, Osnap Tracking
  10. Moving Objects, Copying Objects

Practice Exercises for Week 1

You are expected to practice all the below exercises on AutoCAD, so that you will be ready for the class test at the beginning of week 2. Concentrate on speed and accuracy. Knowledge of most of the above concepts will be tested in class.


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Class Test – Week 1

  • Total time assigned: 20 Minutes
  • Total Marks towards final = 4 Marks (10/2.5 = 4)