CAD Practicals – Making machine drawings for a mechanical part (Engineers)

Topics Covered

  1. Align Command
  2. Working with Orthographic projections to make plans elevations and sections
  3. Composing objects at the right scale on a sheet
  4. Printing with Autocad

Homework for CAD PRACTICALS – Machine drawing with AutoCAD


You are expected to draw out both the drawings on two A4 size sheets in the above exercise on AutoCAD.

The motive of the submission is to understand how to make a professional autocad drawing. You are to integrate all the above topics learnt so far into making your drawing.

  1. Deadline for submission: Before 10th Sep 2015. 7:00 pm
  2. Total Marks towards final = 4 Marks
  3. Rubrick:
    1. For every following mistake made 0.125 marks shall be deducted.
      • Inaccurate lines / dimensions
      • Incomplete text / dimensions
    2.  For every following mistake made 0.25 marks shall be deducted
      • No template
      • Drawings not placed on viewports
      • Complete lack of Dimension styles / text-styles
      • Complete lack of Linetypes
      • Complete lack of Layers

Submission procedure (Important!!)

Please follow the following steps.

  1. Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-3.dwg
  2. Login to Dropbox ( – modelspace)
  3. Upload your drawing inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>First Partial> upload your .dwg file
  4. Print the two drawings from your layouts and submit them at the beginning of the class.

Week 9 – Postwar Challenges: Architecture between the Atom and the Universe

 Lecture slides

Week 9 – Oct 8 – Postwar Challenges: Architecture between the Atom and the Universe 

Lecture slides are based on the course textbook by Frampton, K. (1992). Modern architecture: A critical history (3rd ed.). London: Thames and Hudson. (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Suggested Readings 

Richard Buckminster Fuller, “4D Time Lock (1929),” In William W. Braham and Jonathan A. Hale, Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 46–50.

Frederick J. Kiesler, “On Correalism and Biotechnique: A Definition and Test of a New Approach to Building Design (1939),” In William W. Braham and Jonathan A. Hale, Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 66–79.

Additional Reading

Simon Sadler, Archigram: Architecture without Architecture, (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2005), pp. 10–51. (Chapter 1. “A New Generation: Archigram’s Formation and Its Context) Biblioteca Digital Campus Qro

Required Activity

Please give your response to the readings here 

You will be evaluated on..
a. Understanding the Content
b. Conceptualizing your Opinion

This weeks readings contributes a total of 4 Marks towards the final grade.
The deadline to submit your responses is Oct 15 at 7:00am. You are allowed to edit your response after submission.

Late responses receive a 20% deduction per week.

Week 8 – Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe before World War II

 Lecture slides



Week 8 – Oct 1 – Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe before World War II (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Lecture slides are based on the course textbook by Frampton, K. (1992). Modern architecture: A critical history (3rd ed.). London: Thames and Hudson.

Suggested Readings

  1. Le Corbusier, “Engineer’s Aesthetic and Architecture (1923),” In William W.Braham and Jonathan A. Hale, Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 32–36.
  2. Le Corbusier, “Architecture: The Expression the Material Methods of our Times (1929),” In William W. Braham and Jonathan A. Hale, Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2007),pp. 42–45.
  3. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, “Technology and Architecture (1950),” In WilliamW. Braham and Jonathan A. Hale, Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 113–114.

Required Activity

Please give your response to the readings here. 

You will be evaluated on..
a. Understanding the Content
b. Conceptualizing your Opinion

This weeks readings contributes a total of 4 Marks towards the final grade.
The deadline to submit your responses is 3rd October 7:00 am. You are allowed to edit your response after submission.

Late responses receive a 20% deduction per week.

Out of class, one to one discussions on Student Presentations (Progress check)

After looking at your coursebooklet once more, you can meet your instructor one on one in the library (Room 1, Learning commons)

For your Presentation coming up, it is a good opportunity to review the following

  1. Gathered content and further required content
  2. Philosophical understanding of the architects approach to design
  3. Personal opinion on the architect and the building
  4. Possible directions of further study, topics for the artwork

It is also an opportunity to discuss  the feedback on your readings and the class lectures.

You will set your appointment Here beforehand.




Week 4 – Toward a New Objectivity: The Northern European Experience

 Lecture slides

Week 4 – Toward a New Objectivity: The Northern European Experience  (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Lecture slides are based on the course textbook by Frampton, K. (1992). Modern architecture: A critical history (3rd ed.). London: Thames and Hudson.

Suggested Readings 

  1. Hilde Heynen, Architecture and Modernity: A Critique, (Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1999), pp. 76–96 (“Adolf Loos: The Broken Continuation of Tradition”) 
  2. Gropius, W. (1965). The new architecture and the Bauhaus (pp. 19-50). Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press.

Optional Readings

  1. David Leatherbarrow, “Interpretation and Abstraction in the Architecture of Adolf Loos,” Journal of Architectural Education (1984–), vol. 40, no. 4 (Summer, 1987), pp. 2–9.

Required Activity

Please give your response to the readings  here.

You will be evaluated on..
a. Understanding the Content
b. Conceptualizing your Opinion

This weeks readings contributes a total of 4 Marks towards the final grade.
The deadline to submit your responses is the monday 25th Sep. You are allowed to edit your response after submission.

Late responses receive a 20% deduction per week.

Week 3 – Structural Rationalism

 Lecture slides

Week 3 – Structural Rationalism  (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Suggested Readings 

  1. Read Pages 51-100 (Chapter XII)  of Le-Duc, V., Bucknall, B., & Emmanel, E. (1877). Lecture XII, on the construction of buildings, Masonry (continued), Methods of execution, simultaneous employment of stone brick and Iron – Economy in the outlay. In Lectures on architecture (1st ed., Vol. 2, pp. 51-100). London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington.
  2. Duell, S., & Wright, F. (1941). New Reality. In Frank Lloyd Wright on architecture .. An autobiography … In the nature of materials … New York?: [Duell, Sloan and Pearce?]
Optional Readings
  1.  Antonio Sant’ Elia, “Manifesto of Futurist Architecture (1914),” In William W. Braham and Jonathan A. Hale, Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 17–21. [netLibrary]

Required Activity

Please give your response to the readings here.

You will be evaluated on..
a. Understanding the Content
b. Conceptualizing your Opinion

This weeks readings contributes a total of 4 Marks towards the final grade.
The deadline to submit your responses is the monday of the next week You are allowed to edit your response after submission.

Late responses receive a 10% deduction per week.


Week 2 – Chicago and FLW

 Lecture slides

2014 – Chicago School and Frank Lloyd Wright (Image selection : Varun Thautam)

2015 – Chicago and FLW (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Suggested Readings

Click here for the scans. The books /movies are available in the library / online.

  1. Wright, F. (n.d.). The Art and Craft of the Machine. Brush and Pencil, 77-77.
  2. Loos, A., & Opel, A. (1998). Ornament and crime: Selected essays. Riverside, Calif.: Ariadne Press.
  3. Sullivan, Louis (1892), Ornament in Architecture. The Engineering Magazine
  4. Must see. The Mike Wallace interviews [Motion picture]. (1957). [s.n.].
Optional Readings
  1. Wright, F., & Devane, A. (1975). In the cause of architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. New York: Architectural Record.
  2. Jencks, C. (1983). Kings of infinite space: Frank Lloyd Wright & Michael Graves (pp. 7-12). London: Academy Editions ;.

Required Activity

Please give your response to the readings and movies here.

You will be evaluated on..
a. Understanding the Content
b. Conceptualizing your Opinion

This weeks readings contributes a total of 4 Marks towards the final grade.
The deadline to submit your responses on the monday of the next week. You are allowed to edit your response after submission.

Late responses receive a 10% deduction per week.

Response Evaluation of the class

Your individual responses and comments are up here. Marks are updated on dropbox.

Week 1 – Ways to Modernism


Lecture slides

2014 – Ways to modernism.ppt (Image selection : Varun Thautam)

2015 – Ways to Modernsim.pdf (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Suggested Readings

Click here for the scans. The books /movies are available in the library / online.

1. Pallasmaa, J. (2005). The eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses. Chichester: Wiley-Academy ; Chapter 1

2. Koren, L. (1994). Wabi-sabi for artists, designers, poets & philosophers. Berkeley, Calif: Stone Bridge Press. (whole book)

3. Tanizaki, J. (1977). In praise of shadows. New Haven, Conn: Leete’s Island Books. (whole book)

Optional Readings

Evans, I., & Smiley, L. (2002). The hand-sculpted house: A philosophical and practical guide to building a cob cottage. White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub.; Chapter 1

Modern times [Motion picture]. (2003). MK2 Éditions


Required Activity

  1. Please give your response to the readings and movies here.
  2. You will be evaluated on..
    a. Understanding the Content
    b. Conceptualizing your Opinion
  3. This weeks readings contributes a total of 6 Marks towards the final grade.
  4. Check your calendar for the deadline. 

Late responses receive a 20% deduction per week.

AR1017 : CAD LEVEL 3 – Advanced Topics

Class test: (6 marks)

PART 1. Test to understand missing concepts of week 1 and 2: here (you have one attempt, 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer the test) – 5 marks for the final grade

PART 2. Test yourself by drawing this

PART 3. Test yourself by drawing this – 6 marks for the final

Example file

Please download this file

Concepts covered for the week are as follows. You can click the topic to see a 15 minute video for instructions.

  1. Units in Autocad, defining a unit of measure
  2. Blocks creating and Inserting from Autocad design centre, autodesk seek.
  3. Working with Text, Mtext, Text styles, Annotative Text
  4. Working with Dimensions, dimension styles, Annotative dimensions
  5. LayoutsViewports
  6. Making a Titleblock template
  7. Linetype and Linetype scale, Linetype Manager
  8. Layers and layer properties manager

Architects Practice- Draw and Print the following Toilets on a scale of 1:20. click here and here for the sketches

Engineers Practice – Draw and print any one of the following pages with Autocad using annotative dimensions and text. Print to mentioned Scale. Download the file here

The motive of the submission is to understand how to make a professional autocad drawing. You are to integrate all the above topics above into making your drawing. 

  1. Deadline for submission: 45 mins in class.
  2. Total Marks towards final = 4 Marks
  3. Rubrick:
    1. For every following mistake made 0.125 marks shall be deducted.
      • Inaccurate lines / dimensions
      • Incomplete text / dimensions
    2.  For every following mistake made 0.25 marks shall be deducted
      • No template
      • Drawings not placed on viewports
      • Complete lack of Dimension styles / text-styles
      • Complete lack of Linetypes
      • Complete lack of Layers

Submission procedure (Important!!)

Please follow the following steps.

  1. Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-3.dwg
  2. Login to Dropbox ( – modelspace)
  3. Upload your drawing inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>First Partial> upload your .dwg file