Sketchup Plugins

Simple drawing

  1. 3pt rectangle Makes a rectangle based on three points
  2. S4U make face Makes face based on selection of lines / curves

Selection Tools

  1. Selection Toys Helps in filtering selections (edges/points/ faces)

Copying / Arraying / Mirroring

  1. Memory Copy Makes repetitive processes of coping, rotating and scaling easier
  2. SmustardPathcopy Makes copys of elements along a path – Street lights / trees for example
  3. JHS Power Bar Several tools for extrusion, alignment, Autocad (path extrusion)
  4. Component stringer Making beads / arranging elements along a path
  5. Mirror Easy mirroring (like in autocad based on planes or three points)
  6. LSS Matrix Easy arraying including rotating / scaling functions

Making Editing / Joining Curves

  1. Weld Joining several curves/ lines (like join command in Autocad)
  2. Bezier spline (Makes several handmade curves / modifies exisitng object corners to curves)
  3. Curve Maker (several mathematical / rational curves)

Extrusion / Lofting

  1. Joint Push pull Allows all types of extrusions
  2. CLF Shape Bender Bends a shape along a curve – curved corner windows, ramps etc
  3. JHS Power Bar Allows path extrusion
  4. Curviloft Autocad Loft command
  5. Soap Skin & Bubble Makes force based mofifications to surfaces (Zaha style)
  6. Sketchyffd Powerful surface modifications based on grid development

Offset & Scale

  1. Multiple Offsets Creates offsets
  2. FredoScale Scales in all methods / axes

Aligning / dropping

  1. DropGC Drops elements by gravity to encounter and stop at a surface/topography
  2. JHS – Power bar – Aligns

Architectural Tools

  1. Architect Tools – Several powerful tools put into onw
  2. 1001 Bit Freeware – Doors, windows, stairs, walls, floors all made easy
  3. SteelSketch – Strucural design made easy
  4. RSFence – Fences made easy
  5. SmustardParking – Parking lots made easy

Terrain modification

  1. Terrain skirt


Taller Voluntario de Bóvedas – Escuela Telebachillerato comunitario, El botho, El botho Cardonal, Hidalgo – 4 & 5 Nov, 2017


En un pequeño pueblo llamado El Botho Cardonal, Hidalgo, vive un artesano llamado Jaime que todavía hace su cal con el método tradicional. Este 4 y 5 de Nov, aprenderemos de su proceso además de rehabilitar el techo de la escuela Telebachillerato comunitario, El botho (construction de una bóveda).


Todo inicio por mi investigación sobre los bovederos en México. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer Don Jaime quien quiere compartir su conocimiento ancestral con nosotros. Este fin de semana nos hablará sobre  su horno de capacidad de una tonelada, en el cual introduce la piedra caliza formando una cúpula, para tener como resultado una cal de gran calidad.

Para complementar su aportación voy a dar un taller de construcción de bóvedas con tierra para los estudiantes de la escuela el Botho y los voluntarios que quieran participar en esta experiencia, el taller cubrirá toda la teoría de diseño y construcción de una pequeña bóveda, preparación de morteros de tierra y construcción de la misma. Como práctica rehabilitaremos un salón de clases de 2 m2 con techo de bóveda pegado con tierra.

Les invito a compartir este intercambio de conocimiento y experiencias con nosotros este fin de semana. Como parte del apoyo se requiere de una contribución de $500.00 por voluntario, con lo cual se cubrirá el material para la práctica y 2 almuerzos.

La cita es el 4 de noviembre a las 9:00 a.m. en la Escuela Telebachillerato Comunitario, El Botho, El Botho Cardonal, Hidalgo. Don Jaime y yo esperamos contar con su participación en este evento, con muchas aportaciones y con mucho amor.

Este fin de semana será  documentando tomando como base el proceso y las diferentes anécdotas que compartamos, y lo podrán consultar en: Para participar o contribuir de cualquier forma, puede contactarme más sobre este evento por teléfono. 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. antes del viernes.


Varun Thautam

+52 442 461 9551
















Week 11: Introduction to modelling

the objective of this week is to learn modelling basic building elements while modelling Barcelona pavillion

Download this file

  1. CAD Imports :
  2. CAD Creating Walls :
  3. CAD Doors & Windows :
  4. ROOFS :

Homework in 2 weeks, we shall model the Barcelona pavillion.


Phase 3 (10 Marks)

  1. You are to read your coursebooklet for phase 3 and then send your three phrases here (5 marks, 1/11/2018 8:30 am).
  2. Then sign up for thursday meeting with your instructor here. (5 marks based on your artwork idea and thought process)

Tatiana Bilbao – Funeraria Tangassi

Further reading:


Architecture is a language of communication between the society and the individual.
Connecting with space and time, – is a dialogue. Architecture is the language. (work in progress)
Architecture uses space and time guide the communication between the individual and his essence his existence or his family, his world, his… (work in progress)
Architecture must be designed for society not for an individual. Also society creates architecture, not an individual. (work in progress)
Culture of a society as a determinant for it’s architecture.
The cultural landscape gives meaning to a place

Antonio Gaudi – Park Güell

Look up Dali and his surrealism

The line is of man, the curve is of god
The straight line is the line of duty, while the curve is the path of beauty. – Fathy
a line is rational, a curve is spiritual
line is generated in the mind, the curve in the heart.
“Painting, through color, sculpture and form represent feelings…things that one fails to see in existing organisms. And touches the imagination of the mind, to see beyond what is usually seen.
Figures, trees, fruits express their interiority through their exteriority. what you see on the outside is an expression of what is inside??
Therefore, it has to be governed by a law in harmony with those of nature. The architects who do not abide by this principle do odd jobs instead of a work of art.”
Everything comes out of the great book of nature. Is this about knowledge? is it about feelings? ekistics?
Can a cultural landcape have its orrigins in one mans heart?
Can a cultural landcape be created afresh?
Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, the cultural landscape is the result”

Toyo Ito – Tama Art museum

boundaries vanish through the erosion of the solid
“There will be the need for houses with no clear boundaries from inside to outside and from room to room,” Ito said. “What can we offer then?” – ito
Architecture is simply addition and subtraction
“From now on, human connections will be important. For example, the engawa allows for human connection with its openness.” Ito
the dialogue between outdoors and indoors is created using tectonics/symbolism/form/ or visual framing -the door /window is opening up to another universe ( thisuniverse is not real, its inthe heats of the user)
 Heaviness is not created by form
message / phrase

Felix Candela- Oceanographic

whats the purpose–?

structural art-

The form simplifys design – atmosphere/eperience/imaginaion and helps/defines/guide the function
the skeleton/ form can find / can be the the balance between purpose and randomness.. purposelessness.. the randomness / something done without intention
structural simplicity can motivate aesthetics

Sou Fujimoto – musashino library


Why should a column soley work as a column, why should a bookshelf be just a bookshelf? why should a stair just be for climbing up? A friend is more than a a freind, he/she is a complete being.
A worker is not just someone who get the job done, he/she is much morethan that.
A building is not just a machine /tool that does one job, it is much more than that.
A column is more than a column
Architecture is re-generated alongside the fundamentals of human endeavors. need rephrasing..
Architecture is a cycle, or several layers
everything is a cycle
Everything can be architecture only when it can be felt
everything is art
art is everything
art exists only when it can be felt
Architecture is necessary, but how is it possible?
how come architecture is so necessary?

Paul Rudoph – Yale Art and Architecture

There is and intimate relationship between space and time. We live in an overwhelming period of time, therefore spaces should express that same thing.
Everything is changing (time is a driving direction), much more today than before. The problems are global, not local. As timechanges, space follows.
Expressing the changing landscape of education for a society in change.
Architecture is a complex connection of already complex mental processes.
Architecture is a resultant of a multitde of forces that the architect can see. As sight (knowledge) is limited, a better approach is to design not from the mind.
Because of the geometry of the volumes the building becomes an outdoor museum and a laberinth in the inside.
We walk into the future, but we dont know the direction, we cant understand the older language, nor do we know what we will speak in the future.
Every generation values a new perspetctive
Architecture becomes a labyrynth, when the layering of time is faster than the understanding of it.


Diplomado en auto-bioconstrucción

Version 1: Abril 8 -14, 2017, Casa Naomin Guanajuato
Facebook event:
 “Quiero ser como los animales, el pájaro hace un nido en uno o dos días, la rata cava un agujero en una noche, pero los humanos inteligentes como nosotros pasamos 30 años para tener una casa, eso está mal”.

Jon Jandai

La mayoría de nosotros lucha para obtener el dinero para pagar todo lo que estamos acostumbrados a comprar: alimentos, vivienda, transporte, ropa, comidas, casas de lujo. ¿Hay formas sencillas, económicas, fáciles de implementar, pero sostenibles para romper con esta lucha?

Al construir su propia casa de tierra, puede crear una vivienda permanente que va a durar varias generaciones a costa de sólo unos meses de alquiler y sólo algunas semanas de trabajo lo que le permite pasar menos tiempo trabajando por dinero y más por satisfacción personal. Tenemos mucho que aprender de las sociedades tradicionales, todo se hace a un ritmo digno, hecho para que dure, todo se hace con cuidado, respeto y amor. En cada acción hay un proceso sagrado.

El taller de 6 días de trabajo intensivo (más un día de descanso) esta planeado para que cualquiera, aunque no tenga experiencia en construcción pueda entender como construir su propia casa con materiales naturales. Vamos a construir la estructura completa para una cabaña de 15 mts2 con tierra en sólo 7 días con nuestras propias manos. Usted podrá experimentar plenamente la alegría de la construcción tradicional, donde no hay distinción entre el arte, el trabajo, la meditación y la educación.


Arq. Varun Thautam India

Amel Kadic Bosnia


Parte 1 (del 8 al 11 de abril) – Varun Thautam

1. Tierra – Identificación y diferentes modificaciones de la tierra
2. Adobes – diseños de moldes. Diseño de suelos y mezclas, método seco y húmedo de elaboración de adobes.
3. Pisos de Tierra compactada
4. Muros
5. Impermibilzante de bovedas con Cal
6. Acabados de Tierra y cal
7. Arcos, Bóvedas y cúpulas – Varios tipos de diseño y construcción.

Día de descanso (12 de abril)

Parte 2 (del 13 al 15 de abril) – Amel Kadic

1. Teorías de Acabados de Tierra, Cal y Tierra/Cal
2. Estucos
3. Tadelakt
4. Acabado de Arcilla Pulida
5. Jabelga
6. Techos

Costo apartando hasta el 15 de febrero:
-$6,900.00 en hostal
-$6,200.00 acampando
Costo apartando hasta el 5 de abril:
-$7,900.00 en hostal
-$7,100.00 acampando


– Taller 70% práctico, 30% teórico
– Transporte de Guanajuato capital a Casa Naomin y regreso
– Hospedaje 6 noches-7 dias
– Alimentación ovo-lacto vegetariana
– Senderismo
– Sesiones de yoga
– Certificado de Participación

Cupo limitado a 22 personas.

**Danos de 2 a 3 días para contestar todas tus dudas o comentarios ya que en Casa Naomin no contamos con señal de celular o de internet, gracias por tu comprensión**

Para apartar tu lugar tienes que depositar el 50% y enviar una foto de tu depósito al correo y el restante lo pagas el día del evento. (puedes pagar en oxxo):
Ma. Margarita Duarte Cordoba
No. tarjeta: 4152313246514330
No. de cuenta: 1130200441
clabe interbancaria: 012210011302004416

Para mayor información puedes comunicarte al correo

18-Nov-2016: Design development reviews in class (3 Hours)

Define the following for Design Development

You will bring this for review in class on 18/11/2016 . The final for one option needs to be submitted on 22/12/2016.

  1. Detailed sections of your building defining in detail the building components of Foundations, Walls, Floors and Roofs. Bring these hand sketched drawings / CAD drawings in full detail. See example below, add thicknesses

Image result for detailed wall section adobe

2. Detailed Catalog of concepts for your all components of your building.

Define for the following : Foundations, Walls, Floors, Roofs, Plasters, Doors and Windows

Example below. Use the reference file from your schematic design.

3.0 Masonry works
3.1 Providing and constructing 9” thick sun dried adobe brick placed in 1:3 mud mortar, 3′ above plinth beam. Including providing and removing necessary scaffolding and staging, curing, soaking of bricks in water as per instructions, packing the residual space between masonry and other structural members like columns, beams, slabs etc., providing openings as directed and finishing neatly around the same, cost of all materials, cost of labour, cost of equipment and machinery, all lead and lift, loading and unloading, transportation and all other incidental charges etc., complete as directed.
All Floors

3. Define the calculated volumes and the unit costs of each of these concepts, use information from the presentations and with help of your instructor.

4. Total Cost of Project assuming 8% cost for Plumbing and sanitation, 8% for Electrical and installations.