Week 14: Visibility and Graphic Controls, Views, Schedules, Project Documentation, Annotation and Details
Download the tiff format drawing set here
Topics covered
- Visibility and Graphics:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAwoR4pzOuQ
- View Ranges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNhLSVuSbcQ
- Rooms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxS3a-z5Mx0
- Custom Title Blocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVODJOOcoHM
- Sheet Views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smMap86YZUY
- Sections and Details:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJdXqtad_28&list=PL8C2415D8B00086D8&index=15
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvvxvxaLzdA&list=PL8C2415D8B00086D8&index=16
- More on Sections and Details:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-8I3uaSU7w
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS15oMmrVfY
- Room Legend and Schedule:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-bUq7hjD5Y
- Areas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzLZnjqMRhs
- Color Scheme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bn1yxmaq3c
- Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIxw83bpLeU
- Legends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX6BkaFPGa8
Homework / Classwork
You are expected to create the following drawings, (on your custom titleblock) in your revit file.
- Front Page – Includes an image, Project Area Schedule, Schedule of list of drawings
- Site Plan – 1: 500
- Floor plan – 1: 100 with grid dimension
- Four Elevations – 1: 100
- Two Sections – 1: 100 with approriate cut material patterns
- Three Rendered / Shademode / Hidden line views
- One 3d Section
All drawings are to be placed on sheets with proper sheet naming and numbering.
The drawings are to be printed as a pdf file and uploaded on Dropbox.
This Assignment amounts to 5 marks of your final grade. Each sheet / drawing missing will lead to a 0.5 mark penalty.
Due date: 25th Nov 2015, 7:00 pm
Week 11: More Elements on Revit
Topics Covered
We shall learn modelling the above parts of CASA Farnswork to advance our model of last week
To model the following families with the given type parameters.
- Custom Table. (4 marks)
- All leg dimensions should be changeable
- Legs are square cross section
- table top dimensions can be changed . Length, breadth, thickness
- table height can be changed
- the table top should be offset from the legs in plan and the offset dimensions should be constant to 100mm
- the table shall be placed with its centre planes left right and top down.
Submission procedure (Important!!)
Please follow the following steps.
- Save your RFA file as “Your first name-week number”.rfa.. example mine would be Varun-2.rfa
- Login to Dropbox (sketchpad.1963@gmail.com – modelspace)
- Go to Dropbox>Submissions
- Right click on folder A0000000 and copy to Dropbox>Submissions
- Rename the folder with your Matricula
- Inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>Final> upload your .rvt file
Week 10: Intro to Revit Architecture and Modeling Basics
Access the Revit help file here
Revit Resources, template file
Concepts covered
- Interface
- Use Default template
- Learn to Link a Cad file
- Learn to place grids and levels, 2
- Learn to place Structural columns
- Learn to sketch floors, 2
- Walls
- Dimensions
- Model Lines and Detail lines
- Sketching
- Curtain Walls, mullions, Corner mullions, curtain wall doors
- Roofs
- Ceilings
- Terrain, 2, 3
We shall be modelling Casa Farnsworth in full detail in 3 hours. You will download related cad Files here
Fotos of the Visit – 2019
1.Download the start file here
2.Download the basic file here
3.Download the intermediate file here
4.Download the advanced file here
5. Download the LOD 200 Model here
6. Download the LOD 300 Model here
7. Download the LOD 400 + Documentation Set here
8. Download the Render set here
To complete the following elements of casa Farnsworth (6 points)
- Levels
- Grids
- Structural columns
- Floors
- Roofs
- All interior walls with right thicknesses
- All beam systems
- Curtain walls in full detail without doors
- Terrain, trees and water
- All movable furniture
Submission procedure
You are expected to bring your files to class and your instructor will view your files on your screen. Work is individual.
Week 9: Advanced modelling exercises and Second Partial exam
Week 8: Advanced 3D modelling
Topics Covered
- Loft
- Revolve
- Sweep
- Thicken and Shell
- 3D array
- Chamfer and Fillet
- Solidedit and Faceediting
- Section
- Blend and Extend
- Exporting to Sketchup / Revit
Class Excercises
Homework for Week 8
Model any 4 objects accurately
Submission procedure (Important!!)
Please follow the following steps.
- Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-2.dwg
- Login to Dropbox (sketchpad.1963@gmail.com – modelspace)
- Go to Dropbox>Submissions
- Right click on folder A0000000 and copy to Dropbox>Submissions
- Rename the folder with your Matricula
- Inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>Second Partial> upload your .dwg file
Week 7: Basic 3D modelling with Autocad
Topics Covered
- Workspaces, Viewports, Multiple viewports
- Basic 3D Modelling with Autocad, Primitives
- Working in 3 dimensions – UCS and moving UCS
- Viewing 3-d objects – View options (spanish)
- Basic models and boolean operations – Union, Subtract and Intersection
- Modelling Objects – Extrude and Press pull
- Slice
Excercises in class
Cad 3d Coordinate system
Missing and Hidden lines
Understanding 3D views
Homework Week 1
Submission procedure (Important!!)
Please follow the following steps.
- Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-7.dwg
- Login to Dropbox (sketchpad.1963@gmail.com – modelspace)
- Go to Dropbox>Submissions
- Right click on folder A0000000 and copy to Dropbox>Submissions
- Rename the folder with your Matricula
- Inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>Second Partial> upload your .dwg file
Week 5 – Phase 1
In addition to the course booklet, this year, I have added a few more rules, here they go.
- Develop a pdf that will contain 20 slides, 20 seconds each. The pdf itself will mainly be images / info graphics with little / no text.
- It is highly recommended that you find a book in the library and read up on your architect. Online sources are shallow. Written critique is enriching. Name your sources on the last slide.
- You have to present in English.
- You cannot read from the screen.. so you will / can hand handheld notes for each slide, study cards are highly recommended.
- You can email your presentation for comments beforehand for comments @ varun.thautam@gmail.com, it is highly recommended!!
- Please post your presentations here in this folder
Your presentations will have to be uploaded before class.
Sep-Dec – Meeting discussion and resources posted
Geoffery Bawa
- Include his sketches, drawings.
- Talk about integration of landscape, the land, water and environment in drawings… expression of design.
Books and interviews online: