General Resources
Course Booklet.doc / Course Booklet.pdf
DF Trip map / List of desired places to visit
Term project List and Presentation Schedule
List of videos on 1. The world we live in, 2. History of Architecture
Course Content and Assignments
Week 3 – Structural Rationalism
Week 4 – Toward a New Objectivity: The Northern European Experience
Out of class meetings with your instructor. (Progress check for Student Presentations)
Phase 1: Student Presentations (Pecha Kucha 1)
Week 8 – Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe before World War II
Week 9 – Postwar Challenges: Architecture between the Atom and the Universe
Week 10 – Global Forces and Regional Contexts: Modernism, Vernacular Traditions,
and the Rise of Idea of Sustainability
Week 11 – Non-western Architects and Western Traditions
Phase 2: Presentations (Pecha Kucha 2)
Week 12 – Complexity and Contradiction:
New Views on the Past, the Present, Preservation, and Adaptation
Week 13 – Rem Koolhaas, newyork 5 + Deconstructivism + New Directions
Phase 2: Building Research and Project Presentation (10%)
Phase 3 : Conception / Development (10%)
Phase 4 – Presentation Design and Presentation (20%) – Final Presentation with External Jury – EXPO