AR 1017 : CAD LEVEL 2 – Intermediate AutoCAD

Concepts covered for the week are as follows. You can click the topic to see a 15 minute video for instructions.

  1. Drawing commands: Arc, Ellipse, Spline.
  2. Drawing commands: Rectangle and Polygon
  3. Drawing and modifying: Polyline, Explode and Join
  4. Drawing commands: XL and Ray
  5. Modifying commands: Move, Copy, Mirror
  6. Modifying commands: Array, Rotate, Stretch
  7. Modifying commands: Offset, Trim and Extend
  8. Chamfer and fillet
  9. Boundary
  10. Hatching Geometry: 1,2,3


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image 4

Homework for CAD LEVEL 2 – Intermediate AutoCAD

You are expected to draft all the diagrams shown in the above exercise on AutoCAD.

  • Deadline for submission: Before the first class of week 3.
  • Total Marks towards final = 3 Marks
  • Rubrick: For every following mistake made 0.125 marks shall be deducted.
    • Inaccurate distance or angle
    • Inaccurate intersection

Class test – 30 minute time problem 1

Class test – 30 minute time problem 2

Submission procedure (Important!!)

Please follow the following steps.

  1. Save your CAD file as “Your first name-week number”.dwg.. example mine would be Varun-2.dwg
  2. Login to Dropbox ( – modelspace)
  3. Go to Dropbox>Submissions
  4. Right click on folder A0000000 and copy to Dropbox>Submissions
  5. Rename the folder with your Matricula
  6. Inside your folder – Dropbox>Submissions>Axx00x0x>First Partial> upload your .dwg file

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