Sep-Dec – Feedback on Architect Presentations

Evaluation crieteria (from the course booklet)

Phase 1: Architect Presentations (10%)

At the beginning of the semester, you will be assigned an Project and the project’s Architect. You are to take your time to research as much as you can about the architect of your project and present your research to the class in a 5 minutepresentation. Your aim is to make the presentation fun, informational and very enriching.

The main question you are to convey to the audience is

Your personal opinion of the architect or the work. What appeals to you?

Suggested here are details that you can include you in the development of your presentation.

  • The architects early career, mid and late career.
  • The development of design ideas and philosophies.
  • The socio cultural, economic and political forces that the architect responded to through his/her career.
  • Contemporary or previous architects who influenced the architect.
  • Lesser known fun facts and quirks of the architect. Failures and successes.
  • The architectural and non architectural projects, books written, academic work and non academic work.
  • The personal life of the architect, quotations, voice and or video clippings of the architect.
  • Recognition and Sources of information

Individual Evlauations of Architect Presentations

Glenn Murcutt

Fay Jones

  • Lacks more project imagery, project imagery can be organized better.
  • Would recommend more reading into his design theory rather than just linking him to FLW.
  • Read the book from the library – Fay Jones : the architecture of E. Fay Jones, FAIA
  • Missing the foundations of Organic architecture in the presentation.
  • Read more on Ozark Gothic style tagged by Fay.
  • Talk more about the contruction methods of how wood was being used, handmade carried by hand.
  • talk more about light and shadows, patterns of the same.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Shigeru Ban

J Luis Sert

  • Good presentation, lacks more theoretical foundations of Rationalism
  • Could have elaborated more on the “urban consciousness” and theories of urban design
  • Lacked his personal aristocratic background – “Starchitect”
  • Why rationalism while Spain was being imperial? Why did he emigrate?
  • Read book – Josep Lluís Sert : conversaciones y escritos. Lugares de enc
  • Could include more sources from books.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Eladio Dieste

  • Very good presentation with in depth theorectical analysis
  • Nice to see photos of construction and structural details as a highlight
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Carlo Scarpa

  • Nice selection of projects
  • Could have included more theoretical basis of his projects. Historicism, transcending time, why the choice of materials?
  • Could have included more on his symbolism, the fish, vesica piscis, christian history and its infuences, Venetian Architecture.
  • Could include books in bibliography. – Carlo Scarpa
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Peter Zumthor

  • Missing presentation files and no show.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Aldo Rossi

  • Missing presentation files and no show
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Eero Saarinen

  • Presentation link cannot be found. Please upload ASAP.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Hasan Fathy


Tom Kundig

  • Very good presentation with a good understanding of the Architect and his work.
  • Could have timed your presentation better, you surely had more to say but was short of time. Make note of it for the final presentation.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Rem Koolhaas

  • Good selection of projects and theoretical understanding of his approach.
  • Bibliography lacks direct sources to his books and writing.
  • Library has many of his books, would recommend you to read Rem Koolhaas : conversations with students before proceeding.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Adolf Loos

  • Preliminary study of his architecture. could have explained Raumplan in detail
  • Could also elaborate on his poisition on ornament.
  • Presentation does not include bibliography. Include them for the final presentation
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Zaha Hadid

  • Good presentation of architect´s theory and selection of works.
  • Failed to elaborate on the design process and how

Paulo Mendez da Rocha

Giuseppe Terragni

  • Good presentation, well abstracted points
  • Seems like you have a good position to start researching into Casa Del Fascio. This might help, talk to Ms Bramley if possible.
  • Good Bibliography and research materials
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.


Alvaro Siza

  • Could have shown a few more projects, low cost housing and public works.
  • Sources of information are good but the presentation does not express his sculptural approach to architecture
  • Could have included some inflential quotes – architects don’t invent anything, they just transform reality.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.
  • It is delightful to read and interpret his poetic architecture, its very truthful and has survived ups and downs of modernsim.
  • Was delighted to see his personal side and his sketches and football… thank you!


Mario Botta

  • Good important theoretical points showcased. However seem to lack deeper understanding for his use of strong geometrical shapes. Could have elaborated that.
  • Lacks bibliography and sources.
  • Please find books on him in the library.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Geoffrey Bawa

  • Excellent presentation with good use of resources available.
  • Seem to have a good understanding of the architect and his approach. Good selection of pictures.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Tadao Ando

  • Was eager to hear a more poetic description of his play of light and use of shadows.
  • Please do read the book “in praise of shadows” to understand his use of materiality.
  • A plunge into modern and historical japanese architecture would greatly enhance your artwork. Library has lots of resources.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Eduardo Souto de Moura

  • Good presentation with good references and imagery.
  • Would have loved to have heard more on of his use of different materials and their poetic materiality, rooting the projects to the landscape, place.
  • Very keen on discussing your project in detail and to evlove your oneliners.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

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