Week 3 and 4: Selection of project

Lecture slides

Presentation slides: Week 2-4
Climatic data sites: 
Read Chapter 2-3 from coursebook and the Koppen system.

Otto H Koenigsberger, O. H.IngersollT. G.Mayhew. Manual Of Tropical Housing & Building

Required Activity 

Purpose: select an example of a vernacular house in its habitat.

  1. Skim through Lessons from Vernacular Architecture, Willi Weber , and Simos Yannas ( for class discussion in week 4)
  2. You shall review all the following books (just skim through) – See contents/ index/ bibliography and select what you need.

Multiple Ebooks: Search in proquest – Vernacular Architecture
Book: Dwellings : the vernacular house world wide / Paul Oliver.London : Phaidon, 2007.
Book: Dwellings : the house across the world / Paul Oliver. Oliver, Paul, 1927
Book: Atlas of vernacular architecture of the world / Marcel Vellinga, Paul Oliver, and Alexander Bridge. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2007.

Book: Built to meet needs : cultural issues in vernacular architecture / Paul , Oliver, Paul, 1927- Amsterdam ; London : Architectural, 2006.
Book: Homeplace : The Making of the Canadian Dwelling Over Three Centuries,Ennals, Peter, Holdsworth, Deryck, 1998
Book: Casas hechas a mano y otros edificios tradicionales : arquitectura popular / John May, May, John, 1950-Barcelona : Blume, 2011.
Book: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000683/068316eb.pdf


Required Activity 

  1. You will develop a 20 page report (letter, landscape format) and present the report as a Pechakucha Presentation in class on the day of week 5 – Include most of the following in the presentation (all if you can)
    1. Name of the house and a breif history. (1 slide)
    2. Location, climatic data and classification of the climate using the Koppen system. (1 slide)
    3. Graphical representation of the climate as explained in class. (1 slide)
    4. Architecture: (max 6 slides)
      • Plans and elevations / perspectives (hand drawn, if not readily available)
      • General orientation and layout of spaces.
      • Materials of construction and the construction systems (draw or find sections) of floor, Walls, roofs
      • Windows and openings – location, direction and size
      • Surfaces and textures
      • Description of interior atmosphere
    5. Anthropology (max 6 Slides)
      • How architecture relates to their work and livelihood.
      • Purpose of each space and how occupants use spaces.
      • Interior objects – ornament and ornamentation, fabrics
      • Occupants and their lifestlye (when, during the day / night do they occupy spaces)
      • Clothing and fabrics
    6. Geography (max 6 slides)
      • Local resources and skills
      • Size of land holding and usage of land
      • Relation of the four elements, fire, earth, water and wind

Please upload your presentation 

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