Phase 2 – Project Presentations

Phase 2 – 15 Marks in total (10- Presentation, 5 – Review)

In addition to the course booklet, this year, I have added a few more rules, here they go.

  1. Develop a critique using your personal lens, well informed of other critiques about the project you have selected.
  2. It is highly recommended that you find several books / critiques on your project. Online sources are shallow. Written critique is enriching. Name your sources on the last slide.
  3. Develop a pdf that will contain 20 slides, 20 seconds each. The pdf itself will mainly be images / info graphics with little / no text.
  4. You have to present in English.
  5. You cannot read from the screen.. so you will / can hand handheld notes for each slide, study cards are highly recommended.
  6. 5 days prior to the actual presentation, you will review your critique / take on the project with a one on one meeting with your instructor. (5 marks)
  7. Set a personal time – about 20 minutes to discuss with your instructor, at a mutually agreed time – Whatsapp 442 461 9551
  8. Please post your presentations here in this folder

Rem Koolhaas – Dutch House

  • Mention deconstruvist movement and research it.
  • Very well presented, of lenses slected.
  • Go deeper in the theories of Rem
  • Use bibliography from the Library / books

Paul Rudolph – Yale school of Art

  • Very good presentation, well researched concepts of Rudolph
  • Add bibliography
  • Use references and state his themes clearly
  • is there a master and slave relationship?

Toyo Ito – Tama Art museum

  • Look at Kochuu the movie for getting Ito`s Concepts
  • There is no grid, forced asymetry
  • Engawa – from Japanese architecture- Is that concept here?
  • What other traditional Japanese architecture principles are used here? where does he diverge?
  • What is the poetry of light here?

Tatiana Bilbao – Funeraria Tangassi

  • Look at similarity with Brion tomb
  • Regionalizing this idea of a tomb
  • Whats the significance of a pink gemstone?

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