Objectives of the semester



Santiago Mezquititlan, Amealco, is a small town of 6 barrios where the circle of life seems intact in certain pockets.

The objective of this semester will be in the direction of

“Traditional methods  of food storage, Amealco, Queretaro”

The Phases of this Semester

Part 1: Secondary Research (week 3-4)

Part 2: Primary Research (week 5-9)

Part 3: Design and Implementation of leanings (week 10-12)

The Outcomes of this semester

Outcome 1: A document based on seconday research (25% of the grade)

Outcome 2: A research Paper based on primary research (50% of the grade)

Outcome 3: Design and implementation of a construction and the collaborative documentation of it (25% of the grade)


  1. Work individually for objective 1. You are to keep research directions based on your interest and experience. Keep it realistic yet sufficiently ambitious. A research is never an end, there is always a continuity. Raise questions, answer a question and leave further questions unanswered.
  2. You are to approach your research subjects, for outcome 2, with humiliy and considerable amount of sensitivity. The connection as ethnographers we have with this indigenous community is extremely valuable. All actions will be thoughful and shall not jeopardize the human connection.
  3. You are to approach outcome 3 with sufficient passion and time, you will have to self organize to participate actively in the construction process.

Primary contacts

Your primary contact of Santiago mezquititlan, shall be through previous work use them to gain access to the community.

It is highly recommended that you participate in the workshops and tours they organize to understand the previous expereince with the community. https://www.facebook.com/ExperienciaLabor/


Wishing you a very successful learning experience with love,

Varun Thautam

+52 442 461 9551




Image; Varun thautam, http://www.varunthautam.com/index.php/2017/03/25/houses-of-the-indegenous-people-san-miguel-tlaxcaltepec-amealco/








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