Week 11 – TRIP TO DF!

Information and Signing up

This is a guided tour of the places listed. Please suggest in the form if you have other paces to visit.

Only Transportation is paid by the school.

Tentative Itienary

List of places: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lTz8PA8jY1tBBMJP4GasmKFR3eUOpky14bIcYPq3A4Q/pubhtml?gid=50157241&single=true
Map link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zZgzfvsiBj90.kS_Jp1l4RofE&usp=sharing

Photos from 2015 trips – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1576922382596924&type=1


Complete point to point transportation is arranged by ITESM
Pickup: Saturday morning 5:00 am at Parque Technologico
Drop: _Sunday around 10:00 pm at Parque Technologio

Individual Expenses

1. Lodging at: http://www.downtownbeds.com/rates.html Rates: 400 + breakfast for one night per person
(This shall be separate shared dormitory setting for men and women)

2. Total cost of entrances to museums/spots per person (estimated) : about 600 Pesos for 2 days

3. Food and drink at personal expense

Signing up

After signing up on the form. you will have to pay cash with the organizer on Monday.





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