Week 16: Final exam

Dates and Location:

Dec 8th: 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Location 14101

Mock test on Nov 25th in class. 4 marks

Exam and Syllabus

Part A : Revit and AutoCad Objective type exam (10 questions for 5 Marks, Est: 30 minutes)

Questions are on familiar topics covered in past exams. Do revisit all the practice tests and first and second partial tests you’ve attempted. No negative marks.





In addition, there will be simple questions from the syllabus of week 12, 13 and 14.

Part B : Autocad 2D Practical Exam (5 Marks, Est: 30 mins)

You are expected to place a set of drawings on a titleblock and print it at the right scale. There will be small corrections to be made with Annotative dimensions and texts.

Do watch these videos!

  1. Layout basics
  2. Revise your dimension styles (annotative styles)
  3. Working with Titleblocks and printing from Autocad 1, 2.

Part C : Revit Practical Exam (10 Marks, Est: 90 minutes)

You will be given an incomplete revit model and some drawings. You will be asked to make some corrections and complete the model and develop a simple family in the model.

Make sure you are well aware of the following topics.

  1. Custom Family buildingRound TableRectangular Table
  2. Visibility and Graphics:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAwoR4pzOuQ
  3. Custom Title Blocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVODJOOcoHM
  4. Sheet Views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smMap86YZUY

Phase 4 – Presentation Design and Presentation (20%)


Read Phase 4 from your Coursebooklet.pdf

  1. Board (60 x 90 portrait)
  • Mention your three philosophical approaches to the project (done in phase 2)
  • Explain your motivation and how you arrive to your one sentence.
  • Explain your thought process on how you arrived at your artwork concept. Use your board well for this explanation.
  • Present your artwork. You must have your artwork label complete. Print it on a A4 size sheet.

There is no presentation , so your board is your main tool to explain the thought process of getting from your project  to the phrase to the artwork. 

2. Artwork Label printed A4 portrait

Instructions for the Artwork Label (Language: English or Spanish)

The Label of your artwork and details on a Single A4 Sheet that shall be placed next to your artwork.

1. Use this template for your Artwork Label.


2. Make a copy of this Label and then edit it without changing the format, fonts or size.

3. Artwork peice. If its in a form of a softcopy please upload it in the same destination of the presentation.

Please Leave your artwork and board at the designated room for Expo EDA before 6 pm on 23rd Nov 2017.


Nov 15 – Phase 3 : Conception / Development (10%)


Read Phase 3 from your Coursebooklet.pdf

You have 30 minutes to brainstorm your artistic expression with your teacher. 

  • Make your total presentation to be under 6-7 minutes
  • Focus on the essence of the project, use the three sentences and images to support your three sentences.
  • Explain your motivation and how you arrive to your one sentence.
  • Explain your thought process on how you arrived at your artwork concept.
  • Present your artwork concept with a physical representation to aid the instructor understand your project.
  • Explain your challenges in your process and goal and ask the instructor for help.

Feedback to date on Project

2017 – Spring

Feedback to date on

  1. Architect Presentations of the class (9th Feb 2017)


Louis Barragan

Phase 1 – Architect Presentation


Francis Kere

Phase 1 – Architect Presentation

Very good presentation. Good introduction to the architect. Background of the architect.

Read a little more into the philosophy, get a book about him.

Looking forward to your next presentation


Oscar Neimeyer

Phase 1 – Architect Presentation

Good presentation. Good background info.

Please look into books, written critiques about the project.


2016 – Fall

Feedback to Date on

  1. Architect Presentations of the class (08/09/2016)

Louis I Kahn

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. Good Presentation but the images could have more connection with text. There could be more specific imagery with concepts.
  2. Lacks bibliography, contect mainly from the internet.
  3. Please read/ go through Louis I. Kahn: conversaciones con estudiantes (biblioteca ITESM QRO)
    Imagen de la tapa del libro
    por Bell, Michael, Lerup, Lars
  4. As well as
    Carátula del libro Louis I. Kahn : in the realm of architecture
    Brownlee, David Bruce
    New York, NY : Universe Pub. ; Los Angeles, CA : Museum of Contemporary Art ; [New York : Distributed to the U.S. trade by St. Martin’s Press], 1997.

And Schedule a meeting with your instructor before your second review. Without reading both, will not accept advance to Phase 2.

Mario Botta

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. Very weak presentation with only 8 slides. Does not conform to the pecha kucha format. Not doing justice to the time spent by your peers in class!
  2. Presentation has very little theoritical value and does not cover many of his main concepts.
  3. No bibliography included
  4. Please read the following before your next presentation.
  5. Carátula del libro Mario Botta : architectural poetics
    Botta, Mario, 1943-
    London : Thames & Hudson, 2001, c2000

And Schedule a meeting with your instructor before your second review. Without reading the book and more, will not accept advance to Phase 2.

Wang Shu

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. Very good presentation, includes good information and is interesting. Yet a lot of his philosophical concepts are yet to be explored.
  2. Please get one of his books to be able to share more with class. Some writing on his sustainable design is here.
  3. One of these pritzker essays was a good read. The Infinite Spontaneity of Tradition
  4. Talk about the terms regionalism( what kind of regionalizm, critical?) , variability, primitive culture, cellularity… How is he unique in these aspects?

See how these terms are visible in your project before your second review. Keep up the good work.


Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. Presentation well done but concepts and images per slide did not have much relation. Select composition of images with words to give better understanding.
  2. Please read one of the many books in the library.
  3. Talk about terms Nothingness, Critical functionalism, Contradiction between information and experience, Read this
  4. Explain all the main japanese traditional architecture explained through SANAA´s work.
  5. Look at their abstract respresntation of the complexity in architecture. Phenomenology and mathematics. Read this. There is more in their books.

Make sure you have explored the above topics before your second review. you will be asked for details. Keep up the good work.

Enrol in this if you can: https://www.edx.org/course/four-facets-contemporary-japanese-utokyox-utokyo004x#!

Shigeru Ban

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. The presentation was good interms of content but what you spoke did not relate to the slide you were showing. Make sure your lide points are related to the slides you show.
  2. Secondly, do read and include more about his architectural theory, Materiality, Temporality, Accesiblity, Felixibility, Adaptability and explain these terms in his project.
  3. Read more of his books that are available in hsi library to understand these themes in his work .

Make sure you have explored the above topics before your second review. you will be asked for details. Keep up the good work.

Enrol in this if you can: https://www.edx.org/course/four-facets-contemporary-japanese-utokyox-utokyo004x#!

Renzo Piano

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. Surprizingly good presentation.  Includes main information and theories by the architect.
  2. Please comment on his type of innovation, futurism, regionalizm while looking at your project.
  3. Make sure you have read the books available at the library here.
  4. You have to incldue a bibliography.. and sources of information.

Keep up the good work.

Peter Zumthor

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  1. Good presentation touching about the main theories of Zumthor.
  2. Take a deep dive into Phenomenology, poetics of his spaces, atmospheres, Multiplicity and Memory
  3. Read the following books before your next presentation.
    The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses


In Praise of Shadows

Thinking Architecture, 3rd Edition
The Poetics of Space

Thinking Architecture, 3rd Edition-Peter Zumthor

In Praise of Shadows-Junichiro Tanizaki

The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses-Juhani Pallasmaa

The Poetics of Space- Gaston Bachelard

Meet your instructor after reading at least one of the above books.

Keep up the good work!

Tadao Ando

Phase 1: Architects presentation

  1. Unfortuante performance, lack of any architectural theory of his work.
  2. Read aboutNorberg Schulz’s “Genius Loci” theory and Donald A. Norman’s emotional design theory, postmodern narrative theory and the Zen theory. here
  3. Read his phenomenological discourse. The different narratives explained.  Also, read one of the books I have prescribed for the group with Peter Zumthor.
  4. Talk about Light, Shadow, Taditional Japanese architectural theory, poetics of the procession.. .etc here.

Make sure you have covered these above topics before your second review. You have to catch up.. you have a very tough architect to explain!!!!

Louis Barragan

Phase 1: Architects Presentation

  1. Good presentation, covers general theories.
  2. Look at how he deals with the private realm as a theory (half light spaces), Mythical physicality, phenomenology, overexplosed landscape.
  3. Meaning and mythicism in color.
  4. See how he refers to both mediterranean and mesoamerican archtiecture here
  5. Read more of his work criqued by others..

Keep up the good work!

Mies Van Der Rohe

Phase 1: Architects Presentation

Misses a lot of important theory of classicism, minimalism, monumentality.. read Mies van de Rohe: Critical Essays Franz Schulze. Or other critical essays by Phil Johnson.

  1. Bibliography is very weak.. as compared to the stature of the archtiect you are trying to study.
  2. Please read more more more!!!

Daniel Liebskind

Phase 1: Architects Presentation

  1. Insufficient theoretical information in the presentation, wak or no bibliography.
  2. Please read at least 2 of his books available in the library before.
  3. Talk more about Deconstructicism, metaphor, voids. Read Curtis, W. J. R. (1996). Modern Architecture since 1900. talking about him.
  4. Talk about Geometry, transcendentalism and historycism and explain how he addresses it.
  5. Read this

Make sure you have covered these above topics before your second review.

Antonie Gaudi

Phase 1: Architects Presentation

  1. Very good presentation touchign the main theories.
  2. Try to represent the theories through images, please read more from the many books available in the library.

Over all a very good presentation. keep up the good work.

Jean Nouvell

Phase 1: Architects Presentation

  1. Coming up.


Lina Bo Bardi

Takaharu Tezuka

Estudio Teddy Cruz


2016 – Spring feedback

2015 – Fall Feedback




Week 13 – Rem Koolhaas, newyork 5 + Deconstructivism + New Directions

 Lecture slides

Week 13 – Nov 9 – Rem Koolhaas, newyork 5 + Deconstructivism + New Directions
Lecture slides are based on the course textbook by Frampton, K. (1992). Modern architecture: A critical history (3rd ed.). London: Thames and Hudson. (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Required Readings

  1. Julio García CoIl y Carlos H. ViIlalobos, La Arquitectura Autoproductica
  2. Jose Antonio Aldrete Haas, Search for roots in mexican modernsism.
Write your summary / opinion here (due Nov 20th)

Optional Readings

These readings are optional and only to increase your grade if  your total grade falls below 80% excluding these readings, these will be considered.

Read any 2 of the following readings (4 extra marks)

Write your summary / opinión in 150 words each as an email to varun.thautam@gmail.com. Mention your Matricula in the subject of the email.

Week 12 – Complexity and Contradiction: New Views on the Past, the Present, Preservation, and Adaptation

 Lecture slides

Week 12 – Complexity and Contradiction: New Views on the Past, the Present, Preservation, and Adaptation
Lecture slides are based on the course textbook by Frampton, K. (1992). Modern architecture: A critical history (3rd ed.). London: Thames and Hudson. (Image selection  : Prof. John Stuart)

Required readings

Robert Mellin, Carlos Scarpa, Complete works

Suggested Videos – The Corporation – Available in Spanish and in English

Required Activity


You will be evaluated on..
a. Understanding the Content
b. Conceptualizing your Opinion

This weeks readings contributes a total of 4 Marks towards the final grade.
The deadline to submit your responses is 16st Nov 2016 at 7:00am. You are allowed to edit your response after submission.

You are not allowed late responses.