2015 Fall Feedback

2015 Fall

Jury Members

This page includes all presentations and feedback till date. It is being shared with the jury members for their understanding of the project and presentations.

Possible Jury Members:

  1. Said Dokins – Visual Artist, Mexian artist of International Acclaim
  2. David Camorlinga Tagle –  Mexican Sculptor of International Acclaim
  3. Pedro Mexdoza / Marie Pierre

The project plan is here.  Please Read Phase 3 : Conception / Development (10%) for this stage.

Feedback to Date

Glenn Murcutt

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

Phase 2: Ball Eastway House

  • Good Factual presentation. Misses the architects design motivation for the house.
  • Would recommend further reading on his theory to bake the basis of your artwork stronger. The Sentences will not find weight without a deeper philosophical understanding of the architect’s work.
  • Refer Books please!

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. Architects should be responsible with their surrounding.
  2. Build your own way, respecting the culture of the place.
  • I dont think these sentences are sufficiently deep enough to represent the building. Glenn Murcutt simultaneously occupies two distinct positions, The pragmatic vernacular traditions of a region one one side as well as the sophisticated international discourse of modernism.
  • Try to think on the lines of why Murcutts buildings are respecting the culture, does he copy regional architecture? Does he abstract the essence of local learnings? Why do his buildings miss the element “Verandah”, which is essential in the Australian Vernacular?
  • Why do his buildings have multiple layers? Why the clarity of separation of these layers?
  • Why does he use materials in a very utilitarian fashion? “Great poetry rises from utilitarianism” says the author of the book above.
  • Please read more, revise your sentences as soon as possible. Be better prepared for Phase 3.

Fay Jones

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Lacks more project imagery, project imagery can be organized better.
  • Would recommend more reading into his design theory rather than just linking him to FLW.
  • Read the book from the library – Fay Jones : the architecture of E. Fay Jones, FAIA
  • Missing the foundations of Organic architecture in the presentation.
  • Read more on Ozark Gothic style tagged by Fay.
  • Talk more about the contruction methods of how wood was being used, handmade carried by hand.
  • talk more about light and shadows, patterns of the same.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Thorncrown Chapel

  • Very good progress! Seems like you have done your reading and I see good depth in the understanding of the project and the architect.
  • To this presentation you have to add your bibliography. Try to explain the three sentences hand in hand with appropriate images for better effect probably. More images can be included as you advance yourself for the final presentation.

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. Architecture are shadows emerging out of nature
  2. Architecture is about stimulation of all the senses in relation with its context
  3. The relation between nature-structure-person is inseparable, one calls to the other
  • Check the grammar on the first sentence.
  • Think more about what is the motivation of these ideas and direct it to your artistic expression.  What is great about having architecture manifest itself from the shadows emerging of nature? Maybe the sentence can hint a little more towards the motivation.
  • For example.. these are the thoughts coming to my mind… Is it about the fundamental way we connect with nature? Is it because shadows touches more than one human sense? Shadows can also be felt by the skin? Can we feel natures shadows with our eyes closed?
  • Make sure your phase 3 presentation has your motivations explained well. Advance the presentation with your one final sentence and your artwork motivation. I am looking forward to your artwork concept!

Phase 3: Class presentation

  • Good presentation done under pressure. Well referenced pictures and quotes.
  • The art work, its materials used and concept for its making needs good explanation in your final presentation, if you are proceeding on the current direction.

Shigeru Ban

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

Phase 2: Nomadic Museum

  • Try to update your presentation as soon as possible for Phase 3. Lot is missing..
  • The three sentences and images should be explicit.
  • Images used should relate to the three sentences.

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. Beauty in social architecture starts when you find a solution for weakness.
  2. The material doesn’t affect the strength of the structure, is the way you use it that matters.
  3. If we have the knowledge we have the responsibility of helping the ones that can’t get it so they have a dignified life.
  • You are on the right direction with the first sentence.. but in explaining the first sentence in your presentation, do talk about what is the weakness you are talking about. And what is the solution?
  • The second sentence is great! it  very accurately depicts the building and the approach. It reminds me the story of David and Goliath. 🙂
  • Try to rephrase the third sentence, it is very related to the first sentence. Try to look into another aspect of the building, otherwise.
  • Looking forward to a good presentation in phase 3.

Phase 3 : Conception / Development

J Luis Sert

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Good presentation, lacks more theoretical foundations of Rationalism
  • Could have elaborated more on the “urban consciousness” and theories of urban design
  • Lacked his personal aristocratic background – “Starchitect”
  • Why rationalism while Spain was being imperial? Why did he emigrate?
  • Read book – Josep Lluís Sert : conversaciones y escritos. Lugares de enc
  • Could include more sources from books.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Joan Miro Studio

  • Good presentation and nice selection of images.
  • Very clear understanding of the project and good conceptualization.
  • For stage 3 try to place your three sentences in the presentation and support it with images form the project or from other influences.

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. CYCLE Resembles the life cycle through a sequence of stages and corridors.
  2. DEFIANCE Ortogonal plans contrasts with the volumes, as the nature, it has an organic form but acts in a rational way.
  3. OVERLAP Set of volumes that intersect, producing continuity.
  • Try to make a philosophical statement with your sentences. First sentence for example, why does he want it to make it a sequence of stages?
  • Is it for clarity? making it an experience of a procession? Is it because monotony is boring? Is it because architecture is about stimulation of the senses not conditioning of senses?
  • On the second sentence, why the reasoning for the rational and why for the organic form?  the explanation of that can probably motivate your artwork..
  • The last sentence is almost the same as the first one. It seems to be the reasoning.. why the sequence of stages? – Producing continuity, yet without monotony…
  • You might have to modify your statements for phase 3 presentation so that each sentence has depth in itself independently.
  • Discuss with your instructor if necessary.

Phase 3: Class presentation

  • Good presentation and good interpretation of the building, relating it to light.
  • Good independent direction with the artwork. The exploration of the effects of light, direction and intensity within a space does capture the essence of the building well.
  • Although this is the resultant effect, you can come up with a deeper explanation of the reasoning. Why do you think we find it captivating, why does it inspire us?

Eladio Dieste

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Very good presentation with in depth theorectical analysis
  • Nice to see photos of construction and structural details as a highlight
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Iglesia de Atlantida

  • Good presentation. Good use of images and the three sentences. Try to add more images to help explain your sentences.
  • Add bibliography
  • For phase 3 highlight your one sentence. Show more images for that one sentence, from the project or from elsewhere.. to help you explain the sentence. (if needed)

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. The soft geometry creates by sublimes curves.
  2. The respect for the materials, such as about who did it.
  3. Free play between architecture and sunlight.
  • Check the grammar on all three of your sentences.. First sentence: Soft geometry is created with sublime curves..  (for example)
  • The last sentence lacks a motivation.. why the free play between architecture and sunlight? How is it related to the first sentence. Try to modify this sentence or relate it to the first one.
  • Artwork is expressive.. looks very good!  Possible questions from the jury might be on the significance of the drawn form with light. What is the motivation behind the prolonged time lapse of light? (that you can explain of course :-))

Phase 3: Class Presentation

  • Excellent presentation and artwork concept. Excellent use of the proposed medium, the art explored with the reflections and shadows is quite representative of the building concept.

Phase 4: Final Artwork

  • Giada

Carlo Scarpa

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Nice selection of projects
  • Could have included more theoretical basis of his projects. Historicism, transcending time, why the choice of materials?
  • Could have included more on his symbolism, the fish, vesica piscis, christian history and its infuences, Venetian Architecture.
  • Could include books in bibliography. – Carlo Scarpa
  • http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-81098-19549/unrestricted/FINI-book_w-color.pdf
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Brion Tomb

  • Good presentation, good summary of quotes by the architect.
  • Good juxtaposition of images with the concepts presented. Continue with the same theme but reduce the number of concepts / philosophy with more clarity and depth.

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. Architecture is a very difficult language to understand, it is mysterious. It should be a place that exudes mystery, silently probing its accidental visitors. (MYSTERY) 
  2. Architecture should be rather good and it would get better over time.(TIMELESS)
  3. The value of a work is its expression, when something is well expressed, its value becomes very high. When the context is fixed, perhaps it makes the work easier. (VALUE)
  • Good choice of philosophies / statements by the architect. The words are well chosen, you can try to make your own sentences and present them to the class with your presentation.
  • Talking about mystery, is architecture playing a role as a piece of art? Is it reserved for non domestic architecture or is universal?
  • Talking about timelessness, what is it that makes it get better over time? If so, under what conditions of creation and under what conditions of use?
  • Talking about the Value of expression of an idea, is the value in its existence as easy to access, perceive or understand? How does this aspect relate to architecture being mysterious? These are the thoughts that come to my mind on the three words you point out.

Phase 3 : Conception / Development

Peter Zumthor

  • Missing presentation files and no show.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Aldo Rossi

  • Missing presentation files and no show
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Eero Saarinen

  • Presentation link cannot be found. Please upload ASAP.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Hasan Fathy

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

Phase 2: New Gourna Village

  • Better presentation.. maybe try to add a little more focus by highlighting the main philosophical direction.. these are a main ones I gather from your presentation.
    • Primacy of human values in architecture – Knowledge of rural Egyptian economic situation – Low cost construction
    • Appropriate technology – Ancient design methods and materials – Essential role of tradition – Space design suitable to surrounding environment
    • Socially oriented, cooperative techniques – Re-establishment of cultural pride through the art of building – Training locals to build ones own house
  • On the three Sentences submitted
    1. The architecture must integrate traditional materials with modern architectural principles.
    2. Working including the people in the development of the housing must be an important part of the design and building process.
    3. The architecture should be available to all people regardless of their economic situation.
  • On all three sentences you state the facts / effects.. while the motivation for these effects is missing. Questions I mean to ask are.. why should architecture integrate traditional materials with modern principles? Why should one include people in the development process? why is it important? Why should be architecture be accessible?
  • Meet your instructor in case you need help to brainstorm over the above questions.
  • Modify your sentence include reason.

Tom Kundig

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Very good presentation with a good understanding of the Architect and his work.
  • Could have timed your presentation better, you surely had more to say but was short of time. Make note of it for the final presentation.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Delta Shelter

(please upload presentation.. i seem to have missed it)

  • I have seen your presentation at our meeting. I recall a good selection of images.
  • Try to see that your three sentences will complement images.. or use slides that will help you explain the sentences.
  • State your three sentences in the presentation.. and the choice of your one sentence for phase 3.

On the three Sentences submitted

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. – Henry Ford

Look Deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. – Albert Einstein

Playing is the key to creativity.

  • The first sentence sounds quite general. It is philosophically well stated but might be hard to explain the buildings concept with the sentence. Try making one of your own.. or choose another.
  • Second sentence is good. Expresses the building well. In your presentation, do try to explain how the building affords an experience of Nature.
  • The last sentence is great as it is talking about the involvement of the user in the building experience. It is play with a reason.. try to find that motivation.

Phase 3 : Conception / Development

Lets look at the combination of the second sentence,

one. with the cold bridging – connection with nature, with all the senses, and using the machine to be able to do it. is highly in contrast with the

two, the machine – in modernism – traditionally used to condition the building.. and the machine is hidden, the controls are quite hidden and almost taken away from the user ( in the form of a themostat or a few buttons for example).

  • So the machine here becomes visible, very involved with the building. Almost as a play.
  • In your play the machine should be more prominent the action of the use of the machine (maybe). Else if play alone, the effect of the change / feedback to the user must be prominent.
  • The other direction is that the object should be simple, mechanism to be visible.
  • Else, give back the control of the machine back to the user. Instead of it being automated (as normally designed).

Rem Koolhaas

Phase 1 : Architect Presentation

  • Good selection of projects and theoretical understanding of his approach.
  • Bibliography lacks direct sources to his books and writing.
  • Library has many of his books, would recommend you to read Rem Koolhaas : conversations with students before proceeding.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2 : Maison Bourdeaux

  • Very good presentation, good use of images and text.
  • Good one sentence at the end.

on the three sentences submitted

  1. Architecture has to be the result of a reinterpretation about the needs, demands and expectations.
  2. In architecture there is no more, a certain way of building, we have the will to create things in a more instinctive way than in rational one.
  3. Architecture needs to be joint with the constant observation of the present; in order to be able of imagine the building´s life, on what could be.

Very good sentences.

  • First sentence is specifying the purpose of architecture. It also talks about the method, reinterpretation. A new and different way to read and understand the needs, demands and expectations. That directly leads to the second sentence. What is the way of reinterpretation? Instinct or rational thought?
  • So if you are choosing the purpose of architecture – its to meet the needs, demands and expectations.
  • if its the method of design – its the instinctual reinterpretation, an artistic process in itself.
  • Both are open ideas for exploring your art work.
  • The last sentence can be simplified to focus more on its core content. Maybe refine the sentence a bit. We understand the present (an extension of the expanding past) to know how to design. You are showing a very important way, on how to understand a buildings life. This is a great approach too! Congratulations!

Adolf Loos

Project Presentation

  • Preliminary study of his architecture. could have explained Raumplan in detail
  • Could also elaborate on his poisition on ornament.
  • Presentation does not include bibliography. Include them for the final presentation
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Architect Presentation

  • Do add your three sentences to your presentation for stage 3. Use images to support the three sentences.
  • Add references and statements from the architect to make it more easy to relate to or understand.
  • Add your take on the architecture if you want to.

on the three sentences submitted

  1. A form is truthful to its own shape, while decoration and art ensalve this form, confined by a boundry of time and place.
  2. Space itself is limitless and culturally unattached, serving the only purpose of comfort and function for the people
  3. Culture and buildings must respect a border of fundamental needs to the people to understand that space doesnt need make up to be pretentious.
  • Good first sentence, bang on! Decoration is confined by a boundary of time and place. But is art confined? How do you draw the line between art and decoration?
  • The second sentence can be reduced, to be that space is culturally unattached. That’s profound in itself.
  • Too many elements into one sentence. Simplify it if possible. What I understand is that Space need not try to impress more than what it fundamentally possesses.
  • Your directions for the sentences are well chosen and thought out. Looking forward to your sentence and direction of the art.

Zaha Hadid

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Good presentation of architect´s theory and selection of works. Presentation is missing in the folder, please upload it asap!

Phase 2: Project Presentation

Presentation missing, cannot comment. Do upload the presentation asap!

On the three sentences submitted.

  1. The fluidity of the form follows the need to destroy borders of cotidianity, it merges with the site and differenciates from it in a stream of movement and collision.
  2. In the persuit of liberty, walls make no intervention. It creates the possibility to build your own spaces, to sketch your own freedom.
  3. Lines run parallel and perpendicular to each other colliding where they meet, curving and forcing the perspective which has the dinamic effect of an accelerating form and space.
  • Why destroy the mundane and the ordinary? What is the purpose of architecture on the first sentence. Is it to be fluid and unique? or to merge and belong? or both..?
  • The meaning of “Libery” is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views. (from google) or a person’s freedom from control by fate or necessity.  True, the design process is very much to find freedom! But, under what restrictions? none?
  • Very good third sentence… you are thinking well on the idea of the accelerating form and space. The motivation comes from…?
  • Discuss with your instructor to get to your artwork concept. (If needed)

Paulo Mendez da Rocha

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

Phase 2: Project Presentation

  • Again the project presentation seems to be only on the surface, lacking reading from books written on him. Web sources are very preliminary and rarely go to the desired depth of understanding.
  • What is the relation between the sculpture and the viewer, as he approaches the sculpture?
  • What is the public realm.. what is private?
  • What is the desire for brutalist architecture?
  • Read more to get to the conceptual level of these aspects, and develop your art with that foundation.

on the three sentences submitted..

  1. In Architecture the only private space that you can imagine is the human mind.
  2. Architecture is a fickle paradox. We work through imperfect ideas. 
  3. Architecture is a peculiar way of knowledge. 
  • Sentence 1: What do you think is the architect trying to question? The ownership of space? The perception of space? The visibility of space? The usability of space? How do you approach the idea of public space and of private space? Read more from Alan de botton, happiness of architecture. possibly 🙂
  • Sentence 2: What is the imperfection we are talking about? Is it because of the helpless pursuit of perfection? or is it the appreciation of the imperfections?
  • Sentence 3: Open to interpretation, do explain well your motivations behind this idea / sentence.

Giuseppe Terragni

  • Good presentation, well abstracted points
  • Seems like you have a good position to start researching into Casa Del Fascio. This might help, talk to Ms Bramley if possible. https://bramleysarah.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/case-study-casa-del-fascio-final.pdf
  • Good Bibliography and research materials
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Alvaro Siza

Phase 1 : Architect Presentation

  • Could have shown a few more projects, low cost housing and public works.
  • Sources of information are good but the presentation does not express his sculptural approach to architecture
  • Could have included some influential quotes – architects don’t invent anything, they just transform reality.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.
  • It is delightful to read and interpret his poetic architecture, its very truthful and has survived ups and downs of modernsim.
  • Was delighted to see his personal side and his sketches and football… thank you!

Phase 2: Project Presentation

  • Good presentation, well researched background of the project at hand. Excellent job!
  • We talked about the hidden symbolism in the use of the columns (pillars) and the bridge between them with exposed links (working together) as a device to provide a large public forum. The careful proportions and slenderness are very clear and simple to understand. (could be a possible direction.. only suggested)
  • so.. Solidarity, Transparency and Unity.  Clarity and Simplicity .
  • You were suggested to change your sentences to be more philosophical, that indicated the reasoning, motivation for the apparent effect.

on the three sentences submitted.


Sentence 1: Seems like you are specifying the importance of the image of a place.

For example, a place is cursed to be what it is, if there is a symbol attached to it. For example, a church remains a church for the rest of its life as long as people worship it or use it. Once they dont, the place is a abandoned or converted. For example.. http://www.businessinsider.com/churches-in-england-are-being-converted-to-bars-photos-2014-3.

However a place that lacks the cultural symbolism, its sometimes greatly appreciated and well utilized. It serves multiple purposes as long as it does not identify itself with someone / something. You might think of a godless temple as a temple with just a statue. Its the image that people worship… its outward and hence can becomes obsolete. However an image-less temple helps people find their own purpose. They find a inward purpose and never becomes obsolete.

Sentence 2:  Reinventing the wheel is usually an archetype for human ingenuity. If you are referring to the futility of ingenuity? In the pursuit of the simplicity, we end up with something that has already been understood.

Sentence 3: The third sentence seems to talk about not hiding ones origin, specially the phoenix. Its existence symbolizes rebirth and renewal. When the phoenix dies it does so in a magnificent display of death / burning… only to be reborn again from the very ashes it died in. It is a eternal cycle.

Mario Botta

  • Good important theoretical points showcased. However seem to lack deeper understanding for his use of strong geometrical shapes. Could have elaborated that.
  • Lacks bibliography and sources.
  • Please find books on him in the library.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Geoffrey Bawa

Phase 1 : Architects presentation

  • Excellent presentation with good use of resources available.
  • Seem to have a good understanding of the architect and his approach. Good selection of pictures.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Bawa House

  • Excellent presentation!  Delighted to see the three concepts highlighted in the presentation!
  • But as we talked about it.. they all seem to relate to one central idea. one leads to another.
  • You seem to have made tremendous progress after our meeting though.

On the three Sentences submitted 

  1. 1º Concept : ROOTED Is the land where we are, which defines and marks the presence of man in the landscape and then dissolves into the background to make way for life
  2. 2º Concept: MOVEMENT I don´t create beauty or movements; they exist in every landscape , waiting to be discovered.
  3. 3º Concept: TIMELESS Places where specific constraints of time are abandoned to be replaced by those deemed more pleasurable , lasting and indulgent .Integrally entwined with timeless nature
  • The sentences are well reasoned out. Great job!
  • Pick any one and elaborate!

Tadao Ando

  • Was eager to hear a more poetic description of his play of light and use of shadows.
  • Please do read the book “in praise of shadows” to understand his use of materiality.
  • A plunge into modern and historical japanese architecture would greatly enhance your artwork. Library has lots of resources.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Eduardo Souto de Moura

Phase 1: Architect Presentation

  • Good presentation with good references and imagery.
  • Would have loved to have heard more on of his use of different materials and their poetic materiality, rooting the projects to the landscape, place.
  • Very keen on discussing your project in detail and to evlove your oneliners.
  • Discuss with your instructor after researching about your project in detail.

Phase 2: Project Presentation

  • Good Presentation and good selection of sentences. Good juxtaposition of images with the concepts presented. Continue with the same theme but reduce the number of concepts / philosophy with more clarity and depth.

On the three Sentences submitted

  1. House in Bom Jesus, designed by Eduardo Souto de Moura is an expression or result of the architect´s exploration between the relation of modernism and landscape. So, Architects should stablish the relation between architecture style and context.
  2. “Because the site was a fairly steep hill overlooking the city of Braga, we decided not to produce a large volume resting on a hilltop. Instead, we made the construction on five terraces”. So, Architect should respect the nature of the terrain and explore with the landscape.
  3. In their apparent formal simplicity, Souto de Moura’s buildings make references to the characteristics of the region, landscape, site, and wider architectural history. Browse or living architecture means let it envelop you in it

The Sentences are

  1. Good choice of philosophies / statements by the architect. The words are well chosen, you can try to make your own sentences and present them to the class with your presentation.
  • Talking about mystery, is architecture playing a role as a piece of art? Is it reserved for non domestic architecture or is universal?
  • Talking about timelessness, what is it that makes it get better over time? If so, under what conditions of creation and under what conditions of use?
  • Talking about the Value of expression of an idea, is the value in its existence as easy to access, perceive or understand? How does this aspect relate to architecture being mysterious? These are the thoughts that come to my mind on the three words you point out.

Phase 3 : Conception / Development

Good presentation and use of sentences. I like the new sentences used.

While you are explaining your process of how the building responds to the location and time, relate the purpose of the art to it. Building as the medium to connect with the exterior world.


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